Bob Ippolito - MochiKit-1.1

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MochiKit.Visual 1.1

See <> for documentation, downloads, license, etc.

(c) 2005 Bob Ippolito and others.  All rights Reserved.


if (typeof(dojo) != 'undefined') {

if (typeof(JSAN) != 'undefined') {
    JSAN.use("MochiKit.Base", []);
    JSAN.use("MochiKit.DOM", []);
    JSAN.use("MochiKit.Color", []);

try {
    if (typeof(MochiKit.Base) == 'undefined' ||
        typeof(MochiKit.DOM) == 'undefined' ||
        typeof(MochiKit.Color) == 'undefined') {
        throw "";
} catch (e) {
    throw "MochiKit.Visual depends on MochiKit.Base, MochiKit.DOM and MochiKit.Color!";

if (typeof(MochiKit.Visual) == "undefined") {
    MochiKit.Visual = {};

MochiKit.Visual.NAME = "MochiKit.Visual";
MochiKit.Visual.VERSION = "1.1";

MochiKit.Visual.__repr__ = function () {
    return "[" + this.NAME + " " + this.VERSION + "]";

MochiKit.Visual.toString = function () {
    return this.__repr__();

MochiKit.Visual._RoundCorners = function (e, options) {
    e = MochiKit.DOM.getElement(e);
    if (this.options.__unstable__wrapElement) {
        e = this._doWrap(e);

    var color = this.options.color;
    var C = MochiKit.Color.Color;
    if (this.options.color == "fromElement") {
        color = C.fromBackground(e);
    } else if (!(color instanceof C)) {
        color = C.fromString(color);
    this.isTransparent = (color.asRGB().a <= 0);

    var bgColor = this.options.bgColor;
    if (this.options.bgColor == "fromParent") {
        bgColor = C.fromBackground(e.offsetParent);
    } else if (!(bgColor instanceof C)) {
        bgColor = C.fromString(bgColor);

    this._roundCornersImpl(e, color, bgColor);

MochiKit.Visual._RoundCorners.prototype = {
    _doWrap: function (e) {
        var parent = e.parentNode;
        var doc = MochiKit.DOM.currentDocument();
        if (typeof(doc.defaultView) == "undefined"
            || doc.defaultView == null) {
            return e;
        var style = doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(e, null);
        if (typeof(style) == "undefined" || style == null) {
            return e;
        var wrapper = MochiKit.DOM.DIV({"style": {
            display: "block",
            // convert padding to margin
            marginTop: style.getPropertyValue("padding-top"),
            marginRight: style.getPropertyValue("padding-right"),
            marginBottom: style.getPropertyValue("padding-bottom"),
            marginLeft: style.getPropertyValue("padding-left"),
            // remove padding so the rounding looks right
            padding: "0px"
            paddingRight: "0px",
            paddingLeft: "0px"
        wrapper.innerHTML = e.innerHTML;
        e.innerHTML = "";
        return e;

    _roundCornersImpl: function (e, color, bgColor) {
        if (this.options.border) {
            this._renderBorder(e, bgColor);
        if (this._isTopRounded()) {
            this._roundTopCorners(e, color, bgColor);
        if (this._isBottomRounded()) {
            this._roundBottomCorners(e, color, bgColor);

    _renderBorder: function (el, bgColor) {
        var borderValue = "1px solid " + this._borderColor(bgColor);
        var borderL = "border-left: "  + borderValue;
        var borderR = "border-right: " + borderValue;
        var style   = "style='" + borderL + ";" + borderR +  "'";
        el.innerHTML = "<div " + style + ">" + el.innerHTML + "</div>";

    _roundTopCorners: function (el, color, bgColor) {
        var corner = this._createCorner(bgColor);
        for (var i = 0; i < this.options.numSlices; i++) {
                this._createCornerSlice(color, bgColor, i, "top")
        } = 0;
        el.insertBefore(corner, el.firstChild);

    _roundBottomCorners: function (el, color, bgColor) {
        var corner = this._createCorner(bgColor);
        for (var i = (this.options.numSlices - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
                this._createCornerSlice(color, bgColor, i, "bottom")
        } = 0;

    _createCorner: function (bgColor) {
        var dom = MochiKit.DOM;
        return dom.DIV({style: {backgroundColor: bgColor.toString()}});

    _createCornerSlice: function (color, bgColor, n, position) {
        var slice = MochiKit.DOM.SPAN();

        var inStyle =;
        inStyle.backgroundColor = color.toString();
        inStyle.display = "block";
        inStyle.height = "1px";
        inStyle.overflow = "hidden";
        inStyle.fontSize = "1px";

        var borderColor = this._borderColor(color, bgColor);
        if (this.options.border && n == 0) {
            inStyle.borderTopStyle = "solid";
            inStyle.borderTopWidth = "1px";
            inStyle.borderLeftWidth = "0px";
            inStyle.borderRightWidth = "0px";
            inStyle.borderBottomWidth = "0px";
            // assumes css compliant box model
            inStyle.height = "0px";
            inStyle.borderColor = borderColor.toString();
        } else if (borderColor) {
            inStyle.borderColor = borderColor.toString();
            inStyle.borderStyle = "solid";
            inStyle.borderWidth = "0px 1px";

        if (!this.options.compact && (n == (this.options.numSlices - 1))) {
            inStyle.height = "2px";

        this._setMargin(slice, n, position);
        this._setBorder(slice, n, position);

        return slice;

    _setOptions: function (options) {
        this.options = {
            corners: "all",
            color: "fromElement",
            bgColor: "fromParent",
            blend: true,
            border: false,
            compact: false,
            __unstable__wrapElement: false
        MochiKit.Base.update(this.options, options);

        this.options.numSlices = (this.options.compact ? 2 : 4);

    _whichSideTop: function () {
        var corners = this.options.corners;
        if (this._hasString(corners, "all", "top")) {
            return "";

        var has_tl = (corners.indexOf("tl") != -1);
        var has_tr = (corners.indexOf("tr") != -1);
        if (has_tl && has_tr) {
            return "";
        if (has_tl) {
            return "left";
        if (has_tr) {
            return "right";
        return "";

    _whichSideBottom: function () {
        var corners = this.options.corners;
        if (this._hasString(corners, "all", "bottom")) {
            return "";

        var has_bl = (corners.indexOf('bl') != -1);
        var has_br = (corners.indexOf('br') != -1);
        if (has_bl && has_br) {
            return "";
        if (has_bl) {
            return "left";
        if (has_br) {
            return "right";
        return "";

    _borderColor: function (color, bgColor) {
        if (color == "transparent") {
            return bgColor;
        } else if (this.options.border) {
            return this.options.border;
        } else if (this.options.blend) {
            return bgColor.blendedColor(color);
        return "";

    _setMargin: function (el, n, corners) {
        var marginSize = this._marginSize(n) + "px";
        var whichSide = (
            corners == "top" ? this._whichSideTop() : this._whichSideBottom()
        var style =;

        if (whichSide == "left") {
            style.marginLeft = marginSize;
            style.marginRight = "0px";
        } else if (whichSide == "right") {
            style.marginRight = marginSize;
            style.marginLeft  = "0px";
        } else {
            style.marginLeft = marginSize;
            style.marginRight = marginSize;

    _setBorder: function (el, n, corners) {
        var borderSize = this._borderSize(n) + "px";
        var whichSide = (
            corners == "top" ? this._whichSideTop() : this._whichSideBottom()

        var style =;
        if (whichSide == "left") {
            style.borderLeftWidth = borderSize;
            style.borderRightWidth = "0px";
        } else if (whichSide == "right") {
            style.borderRightWidth = borderSize;
            style.borderLeftWidth  = "0px";
        } else {
            style.borderLeftWidth = borderSize;
            style.borderRightWidth = borderSize;

    _marginSize: function (n) {
        if (this.isTransparent) {
            return 0;

        var o = this.options;
        if (o.compact && o.blend) {
            var smBlendedMarginSizes = [1, 0];
            return smBlendedMarginSizes[n];
        } else if (o.compact) {
            var compactMarginSizes = [2, 1];
            return compactMarginSizes[n];
        } else if (o.blend) {
            var blendedMarginSizes = [3, 2, 1, 0];
            return blendedMarginSizes[n];
        } else {
            var marginSizes = [5, 3, 2, 1];
            return marginSizes[n];

    _borderSize: function (n) {
        var o = this.options;
        var borderSizes;
        if (o.compact && (o.blend || this.isTransparent)) {
            return 1;
        } else if (o.compact) {
            borderSizes = [1, 0];
        } else if (o.blend) {
            borderSizes = [2, 1, 1, 1];
        } else if (o.border) {
            borderSizes = [0, 2, 0, 0];
        } else if (this.isTransparent) {
            borderSizes = [5, 3, 2, 1];
        } else {
            return 0;
        return borderSizes[n];

    _hasString: function (str) {
        for (var i = 1; i< arguments.length; i++) {
            if (str.indexOf(arguments[i]) != -1) {
                return true;
        return false;

    _isTopRounded: function () {
        return this._hasString(this.options.corners,
            "all", "top", "tl", "tr"

    _isBottomRounded: function () {
        return this._hasString(this.options.corners,
            "all", "bottom", "bl", "br"

    _hasSingleTextChild: function (el) {
        return (el.childNodes.length == 1 && el.childNodes[0].nodeType == 3);

MochiKit.Visual.roundElement = function (e, options) {
    new MochiKit.Visual._RoundCorners(e, options);

MochiKit.Visual.roundClass = function (tagName, className, options) {
    var elements = MochiKit.DOM.getElementsByTagAndClassName(
        tagName, className
    for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
        MochiKit.Visual.roundElement(elements[i], options);

// Compatibility with MochiKit 1.0
MochiKit.Visual.Color = MochiKit.Color.Color;
MochiKit.Visual.getElementsComputedStyle = MochiKit.DOM.computedStyle;

/* end of Rico adaptation */

MochiKit.Visual.__new__  = function () {
    var m = MochiKit.Base;


    this.EXPORT_TAGS = {
        ":common": this.EXPORT,
        ":all": m.concat(this.EXPORT, this.EXPORT_OK)


MochiKit.Visual.EXPORT = [

MochiKit.Visual.EXPORT_OK = [];


MochiKit.Base._exportSymbols(this, MochiKit.Visual);