Edoardo Sabadelli - Form.Element.Resize-0.05

Documentation | Source


Form.Element.Resize - Unobtrusive javascript class for make a standard form field resizable with the mouse


 <!-- XHTML page -->
 <form action="http://host.domain.tld/cgi-bin/script">
  <label for="message">Message:</label><br />
  <textarea id="message" name="message"></textarea>

 // javascript code
 new Form.Element.Resize({ elementId: 'message' });


This nice class implement some methods for add a mouse-driven resize feature on form fields such as text inputs, textareas and select controls. Clicking and dragging the borders or the corners of the form element will resize it while double clicking inside the element will restore its original dimensions (this does not work with select elements in Internet Explorer and Firefox). It is also possible to specify the minimum and maximum width and height allowed when the element is resized.

Tested under Firefox 2, Internet Explorer 6/7, Opera 9.



Class constructor, returns a new Form.Element.Resize object.



Object literal where must be specified the element id on which activate the resize feature and other optional properties that overwrites the defaults.

Properties are:


ID of the element on which enable the resize feature. mandatory!


Type of resize, shortcuts are auto, horizontal and vertical (default is auto).

- auto: resizable borders and corners are set automatically depending on the form element type. text input and non-multiple select have only the right border draggable; textarea and multple select have the right and bottom borders and the bottom-right corner draggable.

- horizontal: all field types have only the right border draggable.

- vertical: all field types have only the bottom border draggable.

It is also possible to specify each border/corner to activate by passing an object literal with one or more of the following keys:

n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw

All are initially disabled, so for example, to activate only the bottom-right corner the property must be initialized like this:

 new Form.Element.Resize({ elementId: 'message', resizeType: { se: 1 } });

Minimum width allowed for the element. When this value is reached the horizontal resize stops. By default this property is set to 1.

 new Form.Element.Resize({ elementId: 'message', minWidth: 100 });

Minimum height allowed for the element. When this value is reached the vertical resize stops. By default this property is set to 1.

 new Form.Element.Resize({ elementId: 'message', minHeight: 50 });

Maximum width allowed for the element. When this value is reached the horizontal resize stops. By default this property is not set, so there is not limit to the resize.

 new Form.Element.Resize({ elementId: 'message', maxWidth: 400 });

Maximum height allowed for the element. When this value is reached the vertical resize stops. By default this property is not set, so there is not limit to the resize.

 new Form.Element.Resize({ elementId: 'message', maxHeight: 350 });

ID of the generated container element, useful for add some CSS rules on it.


Class of the generated container element, useful for add some CSS rules on it.


 <!-- you can initialize the class within your XHTML page like this -->
 <form action="http://host.domain.tld/cgi-bin/script">
  <label for="message">Message:</label><br />
  <textarea id="message" name="message"></textarea>
  <script type="text/javascript">new Form.Element.Resize({ elementId: 'message', containerClass: 'resizable' });</script>

 // or in a more unobtrusive way put the new in an included javascript file.
 // be sure to call the new when the page is loaded!
 // a cross-browser way may be this
 if( document.addEventListener )
       function() { new Form.Element.Resize({ elementId: 'message', containerClass: 'resizable' }); },

     return true;
 else if( document.attachEvent )
     return document.attachEvent(
       function() { new Form.Element.Resize({ elementId: 'message', containerClass: 'resizable' }); }


Official web page at http://www.sabadelli.it/edoardo/projects/javascript/form.element.resize

JSAN http://openjsan.org/


Edoardo Sabadelli - http://www.sabadelli.it/edoardo


Copyright (c) 2007 Edoardo Sabadelli. All rights reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic license.

if( typeof( Form ) == 'undefined' ) { Form = {}; }
if( typeof( Form.Element ) == 'undefined' ) { Form.Element = {}; }

// class constructor
Form.Element.Resize = function( oProps )
    // class properties
    this.props = {};

    // defaults
    this.props.elementId = null; // mandatory!
    this.props.containerId = null;
    this.props.containerClass = null;
    this.props.startX = 0;
    this.props.startY = 0;
    this.props.minWidth = 1;
    this.props.minHeight = 1;
    this.props.maxWidth = 0;
    this.props.maxHeight = 0;
    this.props.stopResize = 1;
    this.props.resizeType = 'auto';

    // directions/corners resize activation flags
    this.props.resizeFlags = {
        n: 0,
        ne: 0,
        e: 0,
        se: 0,
        s: 0,
        sw: 0,
        w: 0,
        nw: 0

    // overwrite properties with user defined ones
    for( var cProp in this.props )
        if( oProps[cProp] != undefined )
            this.props[cProp] = oProps[cProp];

    // DOM stuff
    this.dom = {};


// version
Form.Element.Resize.VERSION = '0.05';

// class methods
Form.Element.Resize.prototype = {

// _init: generates the table and puts the element in the middle cell
_init: function()
    var oFER = this;

    // element object
    var oElement = document.getElementById( this.props.elementId );

    var oElementCloned = oElement.cloneNode(true);

    // YAIEH-1 (Yet Another Internet Exploder Hack)
    // the selected index is not preserved in the cloned node
    // see: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/829907
    if( oElement.type == 'select-one' || oElement.type == 'select-multiple' )
        oElementCloned.selectedIndex = oElement.selectedIndex;

    this.dom.elementEl = oElementCloned;

    // set resize flags
    switch( this.props.resizeType )
        // automatic depending on field type
        case 'auto':

            if( oElementCloned.type == 'text' || oElementCloned.type == 'select-one' )
                this.props.resizeFlags['e'] = 1;
            else if( oElementCloned.type == 'textarea' || oElementCloned.type == 'select-multiple' )
                with( this.props.resizeFlags )
                    e = 1;
                    se = 1;
                    s = 1;


        case 'horizontal':

            this.props.resizeFlags['e'] = 1;


        case 'vertical':

            this.props.resizeFlags['s'] = 1;



            var oCustomFlags = this.props.resizeType;

            if( typeof( oCustomFlags ) == 'object' )
                for( var cFlag in this.props.resizeFlags )
                    if( oCustomFlags[cFlag] != undefined )
                        this.props.resizeFlags[cFlag] = oCustomFlags[cFlag];

    // original dimensions
    this.dom.elementOriginalWidth = oElement.offsetWidth;
    this.dom.elementOriginalHeight = oElement.offsetHeight;

    // event handling
    // double click inside the element restores its original dimensions
        function() { oFER._reset(); }

    // mouse move while left button is pressed resizes the element
    // if shift key is pressed the resize is proportional (x = y)
        function( e ) { oFER._resize( e ); }

    // mouse up stop resize
        function() { oFER.props.stopResize = 1; }

    // create the <table> container element
    var oElementContainer = document.createElement( 'table' );

    // YAIEH-2 (Yet Another Internet Exploder Hack)
    // without this the table will not be shown
    // see: http://cf-bill.blogspot.com/2006/02/dom-gotchas.html
    var oTbody = document.createElement( 'tbody' );

    var aCursors = [
        [ 'nw','n','ne' ],
        [ 'w',null,'e' ],
        [ 'sw','s','se' ]

    for( var r = 0; r < 3; r++ )
        var oTr = document.createElement( 'tr' );

        for( var c = 0; c < 3; c++ )
            var oTd = document.createElement( 'td' );
            var cResizeType = aCursors[r][c];

            if( this.props.resizeFlags[cResizeType] )
                oTd.className = cResizeType;
                oTd.style.cursor = cResizeType + '-resize';

                    function( e ) { oFER._storeStartCoords( e ); }

            if( r == 1 && c == 1 )
                oTd.appendChild( oElementCloned );

            oTr.appendChild( oTd );

        oTbody.appendChild( oTr );

    oElementContainer.appendChild( oTbody );

    // set id, class attributes on container element if needed
    if( this.props.containerId )
        oElementContainer.id = this.props.containerId;

    if( this.props.containerClass )
        oElementContainer.className = this.props.containerClass;

    this.dom.containerEl = oElementContainer;

    oElement.parentNode.replaceChild( oElementContainer, oElement );

// _storeStartCoords: called when the mousedown event is fired on a border/corner stores the coordinates of the mouse pointer
_storeStartCoords: function( e )
    if( ! e && window.event )
        e = window.event;

    this.props.startX = e.clientX;
    this.props.startY = e.clientY;

    // store also original dimensions if not initialized
    // (it seems that in the _init() the offsetWidth / offsetHeight are 0, maybe because the document is not fully loaded?!)
    if( ! this.dom.elementOriginalWidth || ! this.dom.elementOriginalHeight )
        this.dom.elementOriginalWidth = this.dom.elementEl.offsetWidth;
        this.dom.elementOriginalHeight = this.dom.elementEl.offsetHeight;

    this.dom.elementCurrentWidth = this.dom.elementEl.offsetWidth;
    this.dom.elementCurrentHeight = this.dom.elementEl.offsetHeight;

    var oTd = ( e.target ) ? e.target
                           : ( e.srcElement ) ? e.srcElement
                                              : undefined;

    // this is for a Safari bug (see w3cschools)
    if( oTd && oTd.type == 3 )
        oTd = oTd.parentNode;

    this.props.currentResizeType = oTd.className;
    this.props.stopResize = 0;

// _resize: called when the mouse is moved, reads the pointer position and resizes the table and element dimensions depending on the start coordinates
_resize: function( e )
    // left mouse button must be pressed!
    if( this.props.stopResize ) { return true; }

    if( ! e && window.event )
        e = window.event;

    var lVResize = ( this.props.currentResizeType.match( /[n|s]/ ) ) ? 1 : 0;
    var lHResize = ( this.props.currentResizeType.match( /[e|w]/ ) ) ? 1 : 0;

    var nWidth = this.dom.elementCurrentWidth + ( e.clientX - this.props.startX );

    // proportional resize with SHIFT key pressed and both horizontal and vertical resize requested
    var nHeight = ( e.shiftKey && lVResize && lHResize )
                ? nWidth
                : this.dom.elementCurrentHeight + ( e.clientY - this.props.startY );

    // check if max dimensions are specified
    if( this.props.maxWidth > 0 && nWidth > this.props.maxWidth )
        lHResize = 0;

    if( this.props.maxHeight > 0 && nHeight > this.props.maxHeight )
        lVResize = 0;

    with( this.dom.containerEl.style )
        if( lHResize && nWidth >= this.props.minWidth ) { width = nWidth + 'px'; }
        if( lVResize && nHeight >= this.props.minHeight ) { height = nHeight + 'px'; }

    with( this.dom.elementEl.style )
        if( lHResize && nWidth >= this.props.minWidth ) { width = nWidth + 'px'; }
        if( lVResize && nHeight >= this.props.minHeight ) { height = nHeight + 'px'; }

// _reset: called when a double click event is fired, restores the original dimensions of the element
_reset: function()
    if( ! this.dom.elementOriginalWidth && ! this.dom.elementOriginalHeight ) { return true; }

    with( this.dom.containerEl.style )
        width = this.dom.elementOriginalWidth + 'px';
        height = this.dom.elementOriginalHeight + 'px';

    with( this.dom.elementEl.style )

        width = this.dom.elementOriginalWidth + 'px';
        height = this.dom.elementOriginalHeight + 'px';

// _addEvent: cross-browser event handler
_addEvent: function( oObj, cEvent, rFunction )
    if( oObj.addEventListener )
        oObj.addEventListener( cEvent, rFunction, false );
        return true;
    else if( oObj.attachEvent )
        return oObj.attachEvent( 'on' + cEvent, rFunction );
        return false;



=head1 NAME

Form.Element.Resize - Unobtrusive javascript class for make a standard form field resizable with the mouse


 <!-- XHTML page -->
 <form action="http://host.domain.tld/cgi-bin/script">
  <label for="message">Message:</label><br />
  <textarea id="message" name="message"></textarea>

 // javascript code
 new Form.Element.Resize({ elementId: 'message' });


This nice class implement some methods for add a mouse-driven resize feature on form fields such as text inputs, textareas and select controls.
Clicking and dragging the borders or the corners of the form element will resize it while double clicking inside the element will restore its
original dimensions (this does not work with select elements in Internet Explorer and Firefox).
It is also possible to specify the minimum and maximum width and height allowed when the element is resized.

Tested under Firefox 2, Internet Explorer 6/7, Opera 9.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 B<new()>

Class constructor, returns a new Form.Element.Resize object.

=head3 Parameters

=over 3

=item B<oProps>

Object literal where must be specified the element id on which activate the resize feature and other optional properties that overwrites the defaults.

Properties are:

=over 3

=item C<elementId>

ID of the element on which enable the resize feature. B<mandatory!>

=item C<resizeType>

Type of resize, shortcuts are auto, horizontal and vertical (default is auto).

- auto: resizable borders and corners are set automatically depending on the form element type.
  text input and non-multiple select have only the right border draggable;
  textarea and multple select have the right and bottom borders and the bottom-right corner draggable.

- horizontal: all field types have only the right border draggable.

- vertical: all field types have only the bottom border draggable.

It is also possible to specify each border/corner to activate by passing an object literal with one or more of the following keys:

n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw

All are initially disabled, so for example, to activate only the bottom-right corner the property must be initialized like this:

 new Form.Element.Resize({ elementId: 'message', resizeType: { se: 1 } });

=item C<minWidth>

Minimum width allowed for the element.
When this value is reached the horizontal resize stops.
By default this property is set to 1.

 new Form.Element.Resize({ elementId: 'message', minWidth: 100 });

=item C<minHeight>

Minimum height allowed for the element.
When this value is reached the vertical resize stops.
By default this property is set to 1.

 new Form.Element.Resize({ elementId: 'message', minHeight: 50 });

=item C<maxWidth>

Maximum width allowed for the element.
When this value is reached the horizontal resize stops.
By default this property is not set, so there is not limit to the resize.

 new Form.Element.Resize({ elementId: 'message', maxWidth: 400 });

=item C<maxHeight>

Maximum height allowed for the element.
When this value is reached the vertical resize stops.
By default this property is not set, so there is not limit to the resize.

 new Form.Element.Resize({ elementId: 'message', maxHeight: 350 });

=item C<containerId>

ID of the generated container element, useful for add some CSS rules on it.

=item C<containerClass>

Class of the generated container element, useful for add some CSS rules on it.




 <!-- you can initialize the class within your XHTML page like this -->
 <form action="http://host.domain.tld/cgi-bin/script">
  <label for="message">Message:</label><br />
  <textarea id="message" name="message"></textarea>
  <script type="text/javascript">new Form.Element.Resize({ elementId: 'message', containerClass: 'resizable' });</script>

 // or in a more unobtrusive way put the new in an included javascript file.
 // be sure to call the new when the page is loaded!
 // a cross-browser way may be this
 if( document.addEventListener )
       function() { new Form.Element.Resize({ elementId: 'message', containerClass: 'resizable' }); },

     return true;
 else if( document.attachEvent )
     return document.attachEvent(
       function() { new Form.Element.Resize({ elementId: 'message', containerClass: 'resizable' }); }

=head1 SEE ALSO

Official web page at L<http://www.sabadelli.it/edoardo/projects/javascript/form.element.resize>

JSAN L<http://openjsan.org/>

=head1 AUTHOR

Edoardo Sabadelli - L<http://www.sabadelli.it/edoardo>


Copyright (c) 2007 Edoardo Sabadelli. All rights reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the Artistic license.

