Ingy döt Net - Test.Base-0.13

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// # $Id: 1493 2005-04-07 19:20:18Z theory $

// Set up namespace.
if (typeof self != 'undefined') {
    // Browser
    if (typeof Test == 'undefined') Test = {PLATFORM: 'browser'};
    else Test.PLATFORM = 'browser';
} else if (typeof _global != 'undefined') {
    if (typeof _global.Test == "undefined") _global.Test = {PLATFORM: 'director'};
    else _global.Test.PLATFORM = 'director';
} else {
    throw new Error("Test.More does not support your platform");

// Constructor.
Test.Builder = function () {
    if (!Test.Builder.Test) Test.Builder.Test = this;

// Static variables.
Test.Builder.globalScope = typeof JSAN != 'undefined'
  ? JSAN.globalScope
  :  typeof window != 'undefined'
    ? window
    : typeof _global != 'undefined'
      ? _global
      : null;

Test.Builder.VERSION = '0.21';
Test.Builder.Instances = [];
Test.Builder.lineEndingRx = /\r?\n|\r/g;
Test.Builder.StringOps = {
    eq: '==',
    ne: '!=',
    lt: '<',
    gt: '>',
    ge: '>=',
    le: '<='

// Stoopid IE.
Test.Builder.LF = typeof navigator != "undefined"
    && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('msie') + 1
    && Test.Builder.globalScope.opera == undefined
  ? "\r"
  : "\n";

// Static methods.
Test.Builder.die = function (msg) {
    throw new Error(msg);

Test.Builder._whoa = function (check, desc) {
    if (!check) return;
    Test.Builder.die("WHOA! " + desc + Test.Builder.LF +
                     + "This should never happen! Please contact the author "
                     + "immediately!");

Test.Builder.typeOf = function (object) {
    var c = Object.prototype.toString.apply(object);
    var name = c.substring(8, c.length - 1);
    if (name != 'Object') return name;
    // It may be a non-core class. Try to extract the class name from
    // the constructor function. This may not work in all implementations.
    if (/function ([^(\s]+)/.test( {
        return RegExp.$1;
    // No idea. :-(
    return name;

Test.Builder.instance = function () {
    if (!Test.Builder.Test) return new Test.Builder();
    return Test.Builder.Test;

Test.Builder.create = function () {
    var ret = new Test.Builder();
        "Test.Builder.create() has been deprecated. "
        + "Use new Test.Builder() instead"
    return ret;

// Instance methods.

Test.Builder.prototype.reset = function () {
    this.TestDied      = false;
    this.HavePlan      = false;
    this.NoPlan        = false;
    this.CurrTest      = 0;
    this.ExpectedTests = 0;
    this.UseNums       = true;
    this.NoHeader      = false;
    this.NoEnding      = false;
    this.TestResults   = [];
    this.ToDo          = [];
    this.Buffer        = [];
    this.asyncs        = [0];
    this.asyncID       = 0;
    return this._setupOutput();

Test.Builder.prototype._print = function (msg) {
    this.output().call(this, msg);

Test.Builder.prototype.warn = function (msg) {
    this.warnOutput().apply(this, arguments);

Test.Builder.prototype.plan = function (arg) {
    if (!arg) return;
    if (this.HavePlan) Test.Builder.die("You tried to plan twice!");

    if (!(arg instanceof Object))
        Test.Builder.die("plan() doesn't understand " + arg);
    for (var cmd in arg) {
        if (cmd == 'tests') {
            if (arg[cmd] == null) {
                    "Got an undefined number of tests. Looks like you tried to "
                    + "say how many tests you plan to run but made a mistake."
                    + Test.Builder.LF
            } else if (!arg[cmd]) {
                    "You said to run 0 tests! You've got to run something."
                    + Test.Builder.LF
            } else {
        } else if (cmd == 'skipAll') {
        } else if (cmd == 'noPlan' && arg[cmd]) {
        } else {
            // Do nothing, since Object.prototype might have been changed.
            // Too bad JS doesn't have real hashes!
            // Test.Builder.die("plan() doesn't understand "
            // + cmd + (arg[cmd] ? (" " + arg[cmd]) : ''));

Test.Builder.prototype.expectedTests = function (max) {
    if (max) {
        if (isNaN(max)) {
                "Number of tests must be a postive integer. You gave it '"
                + max + "'." + Test.Builder.LF

        this.ExpectedTests = max.valueOf();
        this.HavePlan       = true;
        if (!this.noHeader()) this._print("1.." + max + Test.Builder.LF);
    return this.ExpectedTests;

Test.Builder.prototype.noPlan = function () {
    this.NoPlan   = 1;
    this.HavePlan = 1;

Test.Builder.prototype.hasPlan = function () {
    if (this.ExpectedTests) return this.ExpectedTests;
    if (this.NoPlan) return 'noPlan';

Test.Builder.prototype.skipAll = function (reason) {
    var out = "1..0";
    if (reason) out += " # Skip " + reason;
    out += Test.Builder.LF;
    this.SkipAll = 1;
    if (!this.noHeader()) this.output()(out);
    // Just throw and catch an exception.
    Test.Builder.globalScope.onerror = function () { return true; }
    throw new Error("__SKIP_ALL__");

Test.Builder.prototype.ok = function (test, desc) {
    // test might contain an object that we don't want to accidentally
    // store, so we turn it into a boolean.
    test = !!test;

    if (!this.HavePlan) {
            "You tried to run a test without a plan! Gotta have a plan."

    // Append any output to the previous test's results.
    if (this.Buffer.length && this.TestResults.length) {
        this.TestResults[this.TestResults.length - 1].output +=
            this.Buffer.splice(0, this.Buffer.length).join('');

    // I don't think we need to worry about threading in JavaScript.

    // In case desc is a string overloaded object, force it to stringify.
    if (desc) desc = desc.toString();

    var startsNumber
    if (desc != null && /^[\d\s]+$/.test(desc)) {
        this.diag( "Your test description is '" + desc + "'. You shouldn't use",
                   "numbers for your test names. Very confusing.");

    var todo = this._todo();
    // I don't think we need to worry about result beeing shared between
    // threads.
    var out = '';
    var result = {};

    if (test) {
        result.ok        = true;
        result.actual_ok = test;
    } else {
        out += 'not ';
        result.ok        = todo ? true : false;
        result.actual_ok = false;

    out += 'ok';
    if (this.useNumbers) out += ' ' + this.CurrTest;

    if (desc == null) {
        result.desc = '';
    } else {
        desc = desc.replace(Test.Builder.lineEndingRx, Test.Builder.LF + "# ");
        // XXX Does this matter since we don't have a TestHarness?
        desc.split('#').join('\\#'); // # # in a desc can confuse TestHarness.
        out += ' - ' + desc;
        result.desc = desc;

    if (todo) {
        todo = todo.replace(Test.Builder.lineEndingRx, Test.Builder.LF + "# ");
        out += " # TODO " + todo;
        result.reason = todo;
        result.type   = 'todo';
    } else {
        result.reason = '';
        result.type   = '';

    this.TestResults[this.CurrTest - 1] = result;

    out += Test.Builder.LF;

    if (!test) {
        var msg = todo ? "Failed (TODO)" : "Failed";
        this.diag("    " + msg + " test");
    result.output = this.Buffer.splice(0, this.Buffer.length).join('');
    return test;

Test.Builder.prototype.isEq = function (got, expect, desc) {
    if (got == null || expect == null) {
        // undefined only matches undefined and nothing else
        return this.isUndef(got, '==', expect, desc);
    return this.cmpOK(got, '==', expect, desc);

Test.Builder.prototype.isNum = function (got, expect, desc) {
    if (got == null || expect == null) {
        // undefined only matches undefined and nothing else
        return this.isUndef(got, '==', expect, desc);
    return this.cmpOK(Number(got), '==', Number(expect), desc);

Test.Builder.prototype.isntEq = function (got, dontExpect, desc) {
    if (got == null || dontExpect == null) {
        // undefined only matches undefined and nothing else
        return this.isUndef(got, '!=', dontExpect, desc);
    return this.cmpOK(got, '!=', dontExpect, desc);

Test.Builder.prototype.isntNum = function (got, dontExpect, desc) {
    if (got == null || dontExpect == null) {
        // undefined only matches undefined and nothing else
        return this.isUndef(got, '!=', dontExpect, desc);
    return this.cmpOK(Number(got), '!=', Number(dontExpect), desc);
}; = function (val, regex, desc) {
    return this._regexOK(val, regex, '=~', desc);

Test.Builder.prototype.unlike = function (val, regex, desc) {
    return this._regexOK(val, regex, '!~', desc);

Test.Builder.prototype._regexOK = function (val, regex, cmp, desc) {
    // Create a regex object.
    var type = Test.Builder.typeOf(regex);
    var ok;
    if (type.toLowerCase() == 'string') {
        // Create a regex object.
        regex = new RegExp(regex);
    } else {
        if (type != 'RegExp') {
            ok = this.ok(false, desc);
            this.diag("'" + regex + "' doesn't look much like a regex to me.");
            return ok;

    if (val == null || typeof val != 'string') {
        if (cmp == '=~') {
            // The test fails.
            ok = this.ok(false, desc);
            this._diagLike(val, regex, cmp);
        } else {
            // undefined matches nothing (unlike in Perl, where undef =~ //).
            ok = this.ok(true, desc);
        return ok;

    // Use val.match() instead of regex.test() in case they've set g.
    var test = val.match(regex);
    if (cmp == '!~') test = !test;
    ok = this.ok(test, desc);
    if (!ok) this._diagLike(val, regex, cmp);
    return ok;

Test.Builder.prototype._diagLike = function (val, regex, cmp) {
    var match = cmp == '=~' ? "doesn't match" : "      matches";
    return this.diag(
        "                  '" + val + "" + Test.Builder.LF +
        "    " + match + " /" + regex.source + "/"

Test.Builder.prototype.cmpOK = function (got, op, expect, desc) {

    var test;
    if (Test.Builder.StringOps[op]) {
        // Force string context.
        test = eval("got.toString() " + Test.Builder.StringOps[op] + " expect.toString()");
    } else {
        test = eval("got " + op + " expect");

    var ok = this.ok(test, desc);
    if (!ok) {
        if (/^(eq|==)$/.test(op)) {
            this._isDiag(got, op, expect);
        } else {
            this._cmpDiag(got, op, expect);
    return ok;

Test.Builder.prototype._cmpDiag = function (got, op, expect) {
    if (got != null) got = "'" + got.toString() + "'";
    if (expect != null) expect = "'" + expect.toString() + "'";
    return this.diag("    " + got + Test.Builder.LF + "        " + op
                     + Test.Builder.LF + "    " + expect);

Test.Builder.prototype._isDiag = function (got, op, expect) {
    var args = [got, expect];
    for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
        if (args[i] != null) {
            args[i] = op == 'eq' ? "'" + args[i].toString() + "'" : args[i].valueOf();

    return this.diag(
        "         got: \"" + args[0] + "\"" + Test.Builder.LF +
        "    expected: \"" + args[1] + "\"" + Test.Builder.LF

Test.Builder.prototype.BAILOUT = function (reason) {
    this._print("Bail out! " + reason);
    // Just throw and catch an exception.
    Test.Builder.globalScope.onerror = function () {
        // XXX Do something to tell TestHarness it was a bailout?
        return true;
    throw new Error("__BAILOUT__");

Test.Builder.prototype.skip = function (why) {
    if (!this.HavePlan)
        Test.Builder.die("You tried to run a test without a plan! Gotta have a plan.");

    // In case desc is a string overloaded object, force it to stringify.
    if (why) why = why.toString().replace(Test.Builder.lineEndingRx,
                                          Test.Builder.LF+ "# ");

    this.TestResults[this.CurrTest - 1] = {
        ok:        true,
        actual_ok: true,
        desc:      '',
        type:      'skip',
        reason:    why

    var out = "ok";
    if (this.useNumbers) out += ' ' + this.CurrTest;
    out    += " # skip " + why + Test.Builder.LF;
    this.TestResults[this.CurrTest - 1].output =
    this.Buffer.splice(0, this.Buffer.length).join('');
    return true;

Test.Builder.prototype.todoSkip = function (why) {
    if (!this.HavePlan)
        Test.Builder.die("You tried to run a test without a plan! Gotta have a plan.");

    // In case desc is a string overloaded object, force it to stringify.
    if (why) why = why.toString().replace(Test.Builder.lineEndingRx,
                                          Test.Builder.LF + "# ");

    this.TestResults[this.CurrTest - 1] = {
        ok:        true,
        actual_ok: false,
        desc:      '',
        type:      'todo_skip',
        reason:    why

    var out = "not ok";
    if (this.useNumbers) out += ' ' + this.CurrTest;
    out    += " # TODO & SKIP " + why + Test.Builder.LF;
    this.TestResults[this.CurrTest - 1].output =
    this.Buffer.splice(0, this.Buffer.length).join('');
    return true;

Test.Builder.prototype.skipRest = function (reason) {
    var out = "# Skip";
    if (reason) out += " " + reason;
    out += Test.Builder.LF;
    if (this.NoPlan) this.skip(reason);
    else {
        for (var i = this.CurrTest; i < this.ExpectedTests; i++) {
    // Just throw and catch an exception.
    Test.Builder.globalScope.onerror = function () { return true; }
    throw new Error("__SKIP_REST__");

Test.Builder.prototype.useNumbers = function (useNums) {
    if (useNums != null) this.UseNums = useNums;
    return this.UseNums;

Test.Builder.prototype.noHeader = function (noHeader) {
    if (noHeader != null) this.NoHeader = !!noHeader;
    return this.NoHeader;

Test.Builder.prototype.noEnding = function (noEnding) {
    if (noEnding != null) this.NoEnding = !!noEnding;
    return this.NoEnding;

Test.Builder.prototype.diag = function () {
    if (!arguments.length) return;

    var msg = '# ';
    // Join each agument and escape each line with a #.
    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
        // Replace any newlines.
        msg += arguments[i].toString().replace(Test.Builder.lineEndingRx,
                                               Test.Builder.LF + "# ");

    // Append a new line to the end of the message if there isn't one.
    if (!(new RegExp(Test.Builder.LF + '$').test(msg)))
        msg += Test.Builder.LF;
    // Append the diag message to the most recent result.
    return this._printDiag(msg);

Test.Builder.prototype._printDiag = function () {
    var fn = this.todo() ? this.todoOutput() : this.failureOutput();
    fn.apply(this, arguments);
    return false;

Test.Builder.prototype.output = function (fn) {
    if (fn != null) {
        var buffer = this.Buffer;
        this.Output = function (msg) { buffer.push(msg); fn(msg) };
    return this.Output;

Test.Builder.prototype.failureOutput = function (fn) {
    if (fn != null) {
        var buffer = this.Buffer;
        this.FailureOutput = function (msg) { buffer.push(msg); fn(msg) };
    return this.FailureOutput;

Test.Builder.prototype.todoOutput = function (fn) {
    if (fn != null) {
        var buffer = this.Buffer;
        this.TodoOutput = function (msg) { buffer.push(msg); fn(msg) };
    return this.TodoOutput;

Test.Builder.prototype.endOutput = function (fn) {
    if (fn != null) {
        var buffer = this.Buffer;
        this.EndOutput = function (msg) { buffer.push(msg); fn(msg) };
    return this.EndOutput;

Test.Builder.prototype.warnOutput = function (fn) {
    if (fn != null) {
        var buffer = this.Buffer;
        this.WarnOutput = function (msg) { buffer.push(msg); fn(msg) };
    return this.WarnOutput;

Test.Builder.prototype._setupOutput = function () {
    if (Test.PLATFORM == 'browser') {
        var top = Test.Builder.globalScope;
        var doc = top.document;
        var writer = function (msg) {
            // I'm sure that there must be a more efficient way to do this,
            // but if I store the node in a variable outside of this function
            // and refer to it via the closure, then things don't work right
            // --the order of output can become all screwed up (see
            // buffer.html).  I have no idea why this is.
            var node = doc.getElementById("test");
            var body = doc.body || doc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
            if (node) {
                // This approach is neater, but causes buffering problems when
                // mixed with document.write. See tests/buffer.html.
                for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
                    if (node.childNodes[i].nodeType == 3 /* Text Node */) {
                        // Append to the node and scroll down.
                            0, body.offsetHeight || body.scrollHeight

                // If there was no text node, add one.
                top.scrollTo(0, body.offsetHeight || body.scrollHeight);

            // Default to the normal write and scroll down...
            doc.write("<pre style='margin: 0px'>"+msg+"</pre>");
            // IE 6 Service Pack 2 requires that we re-cache the object. Bill
            // Gates only knows why!
            body = doc.body || doc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
            if (body) top.scrollTo(0, body.offsetHeight || body.scrollHeight);

        this.failureOutput(function (msg) {
            writer('<span style="color: red; font-weight: bold">'
                   + msg + '</span>')

        if (top.alert.apply) {
            this.warnOutput(top.alert, top);
        } else {
            this.warnOutput(function (msg) { top.alert(msg); });

    } else if (Test.PLATFORM == 'director') {
        // Macromedia-Adobe:Director MX 2004 Support
        // XXX Is _player a definitive enough object?
        // There may be an even more explicitly Director object.

    return this;

Test.Builder.prototype.currentTest = function (num) {
    if (num == null) return this.CurrTest;

    if (!this.HavePlan)
        Test.Builder.die("Can't change the current test number without a plan!");
    this.CurrTest = num;
    if (num > this.TestResults.length ) {
        var reason = 'incrementing test number';
        for (var i = this.TestResults.length; i < num; i++) {
            this.TestResults[i] = {
                ok:        true, 
                actual_ok: null,
                reason:    reason,
                type:      'unknown', 
                name:      null,
                output:    'ok - ' + reason + Test.Builder.LF
    } else if (num < this.TestResults.length) {
        // IE requires the second argument to truncate the array.
        this.TestResults.splice(num, this.TestResults.length);
    return this.CurrTest;

Test.Builder.prototype.summary = function () {
    var results = new Array(this.TestResults.length);
    for (var i = 0; i < this.TestResults.length; i++) {
        results[i] = this.TestResults[i]['ok'];
    return results

Test.Builder.prototype.details = function () {
    return this.TestResults;

Test.Builder.prototype.todo = function (why, howMany) {
    if (howMany) this.ToDo = [why, howMany];
    return this.ToDo[1];

Test.Builder.prototype._todo = function () {
    if (this.ToDo[1]) {
        if (this.ToDo[1]--) return this.ToDo[0];
        this.ToDo = [];
    return false;

Test.Builder.prototype._sanity_check = function () {
        this.CurrTest < 0,
        'Says here you ran a negative number of tests!'

        !this.HavePlan && this.CurrTest, 
        'Somehow your tests ran without a plan!'

        this.CurrTest != this.TestResults.length,
        'Somehow you got a different number of results than tests ran!'

Test.Builder.prototype._notifyHarness = function () {
    var top = Test.Builder.globalScope;
    // Special treatment for the browser harness.
    if (top.parent && top.parent.Test && top.parent.Test.Harness) {

Test.Builder.prototype._ending = function () {
    if (this.Ended) return;
    this.Ended = true;
    if (this.noEnding()) {
    var out = this.endOutput();

    // Figure out if we passed or failed and print helpful messages.
    if( this.TestResults.length ) {
        // The plan?  We have no plan.
        if (this.NoPlan) {
            if (!this.noHeader())
                this._print("1.." + this.CurrTest + Test.Builder.LF);
            this.ExpectedTests = this.CurrTest;

        var numFailed = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < this.TestResults.length; i++) {
            if (!this.TestResults[i]) numFailed++;
        numFailed += Math.abs(
            this.ExpectedTests - this.TestResults.length

        if (this.CurrTest < this.ExpectedTests) {
            var s = this.ExpectedTests == 1 ? '' : 's';
                "# Looks like you planned " + this.ExpectedTests + " test"
                + s + " but only ran " + this.CurrTest + "." + Test.Builder.LF
        } else if (this.CurrTest > this.ExpectedTests) {
           var numExtra = this.CurrTest - this.ExpectedTests;
            var s = this.ExpectedTests == 1 ? '' : 's';
                "# Looks like you planned " + this.ExpectedTests + " test"
                + s + " but ran " + numExtra + " extra." + Test.Builder.LF
        } else if (numFailed) {
            var s = numFailed == 1 ? '' : 's';
                "# Looks like you failed " + numFailed + "test" + s + " of "
                + this.ExpectedTests + "." + Test.Builder.LF

        if (this.TestDied) {
                "# Looks like your test died just after " 
                + this.CurrTest + "." + Test.Builder.LF

    } else if (!this.SkipAll) {
        // skipAll requires no status output.
        if (this.TestDied) {
                "# Looks like your test died before it could output anything."
                + Test.Builder.LF
        } else {
            out("# No tests run!" + Test.Builder.LF);

Test.Builder.prototype.isUndef = function (got, op, expect, desc) {
    // Undefined only matches undefined, so we don't need to cast anything.
    var test = eval("got " + (Test.Builder.StringOps[op] || op) + " expect");
    this.ok(test, desc);
    if (!test) this._isDiag(got, op, expect);
    return test;

Test.Builder._finish = function (pkg) {
    if (!pkg) pkg = Test;
    for (var i = 0; i < pkg.Builder.Instances.length; i++) {
        // The main process is always async ID 0.
        if (!pkg.Builder.Instances[i].Ended)

if (Test.Builder.globalScope) {
    // Set up an onload function to end all tests.
    Test.Builder.globalScope.onload = function (event, pkg) {
        // The package may be passed in if onload() is called explicitly.
        // This is to get around a very weird scoping bug in my version of
        // Firefox. See Test.Harness.Browser.runTest() for this usage.

    // Set up an exception handler. This is so that we can capture deaths but
    // still output information for TestHarness to pick up.
    Test.Builder.globalScope.onerror = function (msg, url, line) {
        // Output the exception.
        Test.Builder.Test.TestDied = true;
        Test.Builder.Test.diag("Error in " + url + " at line " + line + ": " + msg);
        return true;

Test.Builder.prototype.beginAsync = function (timeout) {
	var id = ++this.asyncID;
    var top = Test.Builder.globalScope;
    if (timeout && top && top.setTimeout) {
        // Are there other ways of setting timeout in non-browser settings?
        var aTest = this;
        this.asyncs[id] = top.setTimeout(
            function () { aTest.endAsync(id) }, timeout
    } else {
        // Make sure it's defined.
        this.asyncs[id] = 0;
	return id;

Test.Builder.prototype.endAsync = function (id) {
    if (this.asyncs[id] == undefined) return;
    if (this.asyncs[id]) {
		// Remove the timeout
    if (--this.asyncID < 0) this._ending();

Test.Builder.exporter = function (pkg, root) {
    if (typeof root == 'undefined') {
        root = Test.Builder.globalScope;
        if (!root) throw new Error("Platform unknown");
    for (var i = 0; i < pkg.EXPORT.length; i++) {
        if (typeof root[pkg.EXPORT[i]] == 'undefined')
            root[pkg.EXPORT[i]] = pkg[pkg.EXPORT[i]];