John Cappiello - Dojo.common-0.4.1

Documentation | Source
	Dojo Api Reference - Copyright (c) 2006 Dojo Foundation
	Authors:  Owen Williams

	Terminology/Data structures:

	* every distinct thing the parser outputs is known as an "item"
		(Eg a function, object like dojo.html, etc)
	* as an item can be many different things, a function, a class, an object
		each item has a number of properties that indicate what we know about it
			item.isResource			-- 	there is a resource (source) file with that name
			item.isMethod			-- 	item is a function
			item.isObject			-- 	item is an Object
			item.isModule			-- 	item is a module (eg: "dojo" or "dojo.html"
			item.isConstructable	-- 	item is a function that we expect to be instantiated with new()
			item.hasChildren		--  item has children (functions and objects)
			item.isCurly			-- 	item was defined by the parser with curly braces around it (eg: {dojo})

	Basic overview:
	* body.onload calls ApiRef.init()
	* init():
		- sets up display parameters and debugging flags from cookies set last time
		- loads the file "/docscripts/output/local/json/function_names,
			which is the list of names of all functions and top-level objects in the system
		- upon callback, calls ApiRef.onAfterInit()
	* onAfterInit()
		- initObjectList() parses the function_names:
			- initFunctionMap() does the actual parsing of function_names, 
				yielding ApiRef.functionList and ApiRef.functionMap (see below)
			- initFunctionTree() takes the functionList and makes the ApiRef.functionTree (below)
				which is both the hierarchical listing of all of the displayable items
				as well as the data structure used as data for the Tree widgets
		- initTreeWidget() takes the functionTree and sets up the Tree widget for the interface
		- initSearchBox() sets up the ComboBox that allows you to search for items
		- getInitialSearch() figures out the initial search from a cookie or URL hash

	* when an item is clicked or an entry is found in the search box, it calls
		- showItem() which:
			- loads data for the item if necessary
			- and (in showItemCallback) updates the display with output about the item
	* if they click the "+" button, that calls expandItem(), which devolves down to showItem()
		or collapseItem() to go back to the summary state

	* There are lots of methods to find/deal with items:
		- getItem()
		- itemIsMethod()
		- getItemType()
		- 	etc.
	* There are lots of outputX routines, used to output HTML to the display
		- outputItem()
			- outputItemHeader()
			- outputItemBody()
				- outputMethodList()
				- outputSuperMethods()
				- outputProptery()
				- outpuerItemLabel()
				- 	etc.


//	set up the onload handler

var ApiRef = {
	_debug : false,					// if true, we output debug information
	_profile : false,				// if true, we output profiling information
	showInherited : true,			// set to true to show inherited methods and properties
	showPrivate : false,			// set to true to show private variables and functions
	showDeprecated : true,			// set to true to show deprecated variables and functions	-- DOESNT WORK YET
	showExperimental : true,		// set to true to show experimental variables and functions	-- DOESNT WORK YET

	defaultReferenceId: "content",	// default where showItem*() puts its output

	parserDataCache : {},			// cache of parser data already loaded
	docscriptsUrl : dojo.uri.dojoUri("docscripts"),
									//	base URL for parser data output

	functionList : [],				// sorted list of "item" (functions and objects) names
	functionMap : {},				// mape of item name to internal data representation of the item
	functionTree : [],				// tree of all functions, look in the "all", "methods" and "children" properties for kids
	objectTree : [],				// tree of only non-function items -- look in the "children" property for kids
	init : function() {
		// summary
		//	initialize the entire app -- called by body.onload event

		// set up debugging and profiling, based on cookie values
		//	use the debug menu to turn this on and off
		this._debug = ("ApiRef_debug") == "true")
		if (this._debug) dojo.debug("ApiRef.debugging is on (use debug menu to change).");

		this._profile = ("ApiRef_profile") == "true");
		this._autoDebugProfile = (this._profile && this._debug);
		if (this._profile) dojo.debug("ApiRef.profiling is on (use debug menu to change).");

		this.setShowInherited(("ApiRef_showInherited") == "true"),  false);
		this.setShowPrivate(("ApiRef_showPrivate") == "true"),  false);
		//this.setShowDeprecated(("ApiRef_showDeprecated") == "true"),  false);
		//this.setShowExperimental(("ApiRef_showExperimental") == "true"),  false);
		// load the list of functions and start everything going when that's done
		this.showNotice("Loading API index...");
		this.functionNameLoader = this.loadParserFile("function_names");
		this.functionNameLoader.callback = function(function_names){ApiRef.onAfterInit(function_names)};

	onAfterInit : function(function_names) {
		// summary
		//	Called when initialization (eg: loading of tree widget) has finished.
		//	Responsible for showing the initial reference item, based on the URL fragment or a cookie, if set.
		// NOTE: implementations are toward the bottom of this file
		// initialize the list of function/object names
		// set up the tree widget for the UI
		// hook up the search combobox values

		// figre out what to show initially, from hash, cookie or default of "dojo"


	//	loading the data from the parser files

	getParserData : function(parserFile) {
		// summary: return the cached data from a partcular parserFile
		return this.parserDataCache[parserFile];

	cacheParserData : function(parserFile, data, msg) {
		// summary: when data is loaded, this routine caches it for later display
		if (!msg) msg = "Integrating data for module "+parserFile;

		// first assign the whole shebang to the 'resource' object
		var item = this.getItem(parserFile);
		if (item) {
			item.resourceData = data;
		this._parseDataObject(data, parserFile, parserFile);
		this.parserDataCache[parserFile] = data;
	_parseDataObject : function(dataObj, ref, parserFile) {
		// take data from the parser output and integrate it 
		//	with each corresponding item in the functionMap
		for (var name in dataObj) {
			var dataItem = dataObj[name];
			//	if (dataItem && dataItem.meta && dataItem.extras == null) dataItem = dataItem.meta;
			var item = this.functionMap[name];
			//dojo.debug("_parseDataObject", dataItem, name,item,ref);
			if (item == null) {
				item = {
				this.functionMap[name] = item;
				var parent = this.functionMap[ref];
				if (this._debug) dojo.debug("_parseData(",ref,"): couldn't find " + name, "adding to parent:", parent);
				if (parent.methods == null) parent.methods = [];

				if (parent.all == null) parent.all = [];

				parent.isObject = "O";
			} else {
				item.isLoaded = true;
				if ( == null) = [];
				//dojo.debug("assigning:",dataItem, "to", item);
				if (item.isConstructable && item.constructor && name == && dataItem.meta && dataItem.meta.functions == null) {
					//	dojo.debug("Setting up constructor " +;
					if ( == null) = [];;
				} else {;
			if (dataItem.meta && dataItem.meta.functions) {
			//dojo.debug("recursing into meta.functions:",dataItem.meta.functions, parserFile);
				this._parseDataObject(dataItem.meta.functions, name);
			if (dataItem.functions) {
			//dojo.debug("recursing into functions:",dataItem.functions);
				this._parseDataObject(dataItem.functions, name, parserFile);
			if (dataItem.objects) {
			//dojo.debug("recursing into functions:",dataItem.functions);
				this._parseDataObject(dataItem.objects, name, parserFile);
	loadParserData : function(parserFile, callback, msg) {
		// summary: load data from particular file of parser data.  When it returns:
		//	call cacheParserData() to remember it, and
		//	call whatever callback was passed in to this function
		//		(generally involved with showItem() )
		if (!msg) msg = "Loading data for module "+ parserFile;
		var parserData = this.getParserData(parserFile);
		if (parserData == null) {
			var deferred = this.loadParserFile(parserFile,true);
			var cacheCallback = function(parserData) {
				ApiRef.cacheParserData(parserFile, parserData);
		} else {
	loadParserFile: function(/*String*/ filename, /*bool*/ sync) {
		// summary: actually load the data from the parser file with a dojo.Deferred
		if (filename == null) return dojo.debug("dojo.dojcs.loadParserFile(): you must pass a file name to load");
		this.startProfile("ApiRef.loadParserFile('" + filename + "')");
		var parts = filename.split("/");
		var size = parts.length;
		var deferred = new dojo.Deferred;
		var args = {
			mimetype: "text/json",
			load: function(type, data){
				ApiRef.endProfile("ApiRef.loadParserFile('" + filename + "')");
			error: function(){
		if (sync) {
			args.sync = true;

			if(parts[0] == "function_names"){
				args.url = [this.docscriptsUrl, "/output/local/json", "function_names"].join("/");
				var dirs = parts[0].split(".");
				args.url = [this.docscriptsUrl, "/output/local/json", dirs[0]].join("/");
				if(dirs.length > 1){
					args.url = [args.url, dirs[1]].join(".");

		if (this._debug) dojo.debug("ApiRef.loadParserFile('" + filename + "'): starting (looking in " + args.url + ")");;
		return deferred;

	openSourceFile : function(fileName) {
		// summary: Open a dojo source file for viewing
		//	todo: make this do a pretty-print on the file after it loads
		fileName = fileName.split(".");
		if (fileName[0] == "dojo") fileName = fileName.slice(1);
		fileName = fileName.join("/") + ".js"; + "/src/" + fileName, "_blank");

	//	showing a particular reference (eg: ""
	showItem : function(name, type, elementId, recordState) {
		// summary:  Show a particulare item by name, loading the data if necessary.
		//			 Actual display comes in _showItemCallback()
		//			If type is specified, that indicates how it should be shown
		//				(for items that are both a file and a method, etc)
		//			If elementId is specified, displays in that DOM element
		//				(default is defaultReferenceId -- "content")
		//			recordState if not false, indicates that they should be able to hit
		//				the browser back button to get back to this state
		if (name == null) name ="ApiRef_lastItem");

		var item = this.getItem(name),
			parserFile = this.getItemParserFile(name)
		if (parserFile == null) {
			return dojo.debug("ApiRef.showItem("+name+"): can't find parser file");
		if (this._debug) dojo.debug("ApiRef.showItem("+name+","+parserFile+")");

		var callback = function(parserData) {
			ApiRef._showItemCallback(name, elementId, type);
		this.loadParserData(parserFile, callback);

		// remember the bookmark state so we can go back if necessary
		if (recordState != false) dojo.undo.browser.addToHistory(new ApiRef.BookmarkState(, type));
//		dojo.byId("title").innerHTML = "Dojo API Reference: " + name;
	_showItemCallback : function (name, elementId, type) {
		// summary: routine to actually show the display of an item, which is assumed to
		//				already be loaded.  Uses outputX() routines to get the HTML.
		var item = this.getItem(name);
//dojo.debug(name, item);
		if (this._debug) dojo.debug("ApiRef._showItemCallback("+name+","+elementId+"): type is " + this.getItemTypeString(item));
		// ASSERT: at this point, the parser file for the item has been loaded and parsed
		//			so the item must be loaded!
		var output = this.outputItem(item, true, type);

		if (elementId == null) {
			var el = dojo.byId(this.defaultReferenceId);
			el.innerHTML = output;
		} else {
			var el = dojo.byId(elementId);
			if (el == null) {
				alert("_showItemCallback"+name+"): no element found with id: "+elementId);
			el.outerHTML = output;
		}"ApiRef_lastItem", name, 180);

	expandItem : function(name, type) {
		// summary: show the body of an item, loading it if necessary

		var item = this.getItem(name);
		item.isExpanded = true;
		if (type == null) type = this.getItemType(item);

		// first update the header
		var headerEl = dojo.byId(name + "-header-"+type);
		if (headerEl) {
			headerEl.innerHTML = this.outputItemHeader(item, true, type);
		// update the body with what we have (whether loaded or not)
		this.wipeReplace(name+"-body-"+type, this.outputItemBody(item, true, type));

		// and load it if we need to
		//	this will redraw the whole thing after it comes in
		if (item.isLoaded != true) {
			this.showItem(name, type, name+"-outer");

	collapseItem : function(name, type) {
		// summary: go back to the summary view of an item
		var item = this.getItem(name);
		delete item.isExpanded;
		var headerEl = dojo.byId(name + "-header-"+type);
		if (headerEl) {
			headerEl.innerHTML = this.outputItemHeader(item, false, type);
		var bodyEl = dojo.byId(name+"-body-"+type);
		if (bodyEl) {
			this.wipeReplace(bodyEl, this.outputItemBody(item, false, type), 500, 200);

	onTreeSelect : function(message) {
		// summary: event called when a tree node is selected.
		//		Shows the appropriate item.
		var item = message.node,
			name =

	//	set/toggle application display flags:  inherited, private, deprecated, experimental

	toggleInherited : function() {
		this.setShowInherited(this.showInherited ? false : true);
	setShowInherited : function(newState, reShow) {
		this.showInherited = newState;"ApiRef_showInherited", ""+this.showInherited, 180);
		if (this._debug) dojo.debug("Inherited members will now be " + (this.showInherited ? "shown." : "hidden."));

		// update the checkbox
		dojo.byId("showInherited").checked = this.showInherited;
		// re-show the last selected item
		if (reShow != false) this.showItem();	
	togglePrivate : function() {
		this.setShowPrivate(this.showPrivate ? false : true);
	setShowPrivate : function(newState, reShow) {
		this.showPrivate = newState;"ApiRef_showPrivate", ""+this.showPrivate, 180);
		if (this._debug) dojo.debug("Private members will now be " + (this.showPrivate ? "shown." : "hidden."));

		// update the checkbox
		dojo.byId("showPrivate").checked = this.showPrivate;

		// re-show the last selected item
		if (reShow != false) this.showItem();	

	toggleDeprecated : function() {
		this.setShowDeprecated(this.showDeprecated ? false : true);
	setShowDeprecated : function(newState, reShow) {
		this.showDeprecated = newState;"ApiRef_showDeprecated", ""+this.showDeprecated, 180);
		if (this._debug) dojo.debug("Deprecated members will now be " + (this.showDeprecated ? "shown." : "hidden."));

		// update the checkbox
		dojo.byId("showDeprecated").checked = this.showDeprecated;

		// re-show the last selected item
		if (reShow != false) this.showItem();	

	toggleExperimental : function() {
		this.setShowExperimental(this.showExperimental ? false : true);
	setShowExperimental : function(newState, reShow) {
		this.showExperimental = newState;"ApiRef_showExperimental", ""+this.showExperimental, 180);
		if (this._debug) dojo.debug("Experimental members will now be " + (this.showExperimental ? "shown." : "hidden."));

		// update the checkbox
		dojo.byId("showExperimental").checked = this.showExperimental;

		// re-show the last selected item
		if (reShow != false) this.showItem();	

	//	get an item and pieces of it
	//	NOTE: these all work with a string name or a ref to the item
	getItem : function(name) {
		// summary: return the item with a particular name
		//	If you pass in a non-string, assumes this is a pointer to an item.
		if (typeof name != "string") return name;
		return this.functionMap[name];

	itemIsMethod : function(name) {
		// summary: return true if the item specified is a method (and not an object, class, etc)
		return (this.getItemType(name) == "Method");

	getItemTypeString : function(name) {
		// summary: return the type string for an item, used for debugging
		var item = this.getItem(name);
		if (item.typeString) return item.typeString;
		return item.typeString = [
			(item.isResource		|| "-"),
			(item.isModule		|| "-"),
			(item.isConstructable		|| "-"),
			(item.isObject		|| "-"),
			(item.hasChildren	|| "-"),
			(item.isMethod	|| "-"),
			(item.isCurly || "-")

	getItemType : function (name, recheck) {
		// summary: return the primary "type" of an item or item name
		var item = this.getItem(name);
		if (item.itemType != null && recheck == null) return item.itemType;
		var type = "Method";
		if (item.isConstructable) type =  "Class";
		else if (item.isObject) type =  "Object";
		else if (item.isModule) type = "Module";
		else if (item.isResource) type =  "Resource";	// resource is LAST
		return (item.itemType = type);
	getItemParserFile : function(name) {
		// summary: return the parser file name for an item or item name
		var item = this.getItem(name);
		return (item ? item.parserFile : null);

	getItemResource : function(name) {
		// summary: return the resource (source) file name for an item or item name
		var item = this.getItem(name);
		return (item ? item.resource : null);

	getItemTreeNode : function(name) {
		// summary: return the tree node for an item or item name
		var item = this.getItem(name);
		return (item ? item.node : null);

	getItemData : function(name) {
		// summary: return the parser data we've already loaded for an item or item name
		var item = this.getItem(name);
		if ( return;
		return dojo.debug("getItemData("+name+"): no data found!");

	getItemMetaData : function(item, property) {
		// summary: return the parser "meta" data (or meta data property) for an item or item name
		if ( != null) {
			for (var i = 0, datum; datum =[i]; i++) {
				if (datum.meta) {
					if (property && datum.meta[property] != null) {
						return datum.meta[property];
					} else{
						return datum.meta;
		return null;

	getItemDataProp : function(item, prop) {
		// summary: return item data with a particular name from the parser output
		if ( != null) {
			for (var i = 0, datum; datum =[i]; i++) {
				if (datum[prop]) return datum[prop];
		return null;		
	//	accessors for item superclasses
	getItemSupers : function(item) {
		// summary: return the names of the superclasses of an item
		if (item._supers != null) return item._supers;
		var inherits = this._getDataProperty(item.constructor ? :, "prototype_chain");
		if (inherits == null) return null;

		var list = [];
		for (var i = 0, parentName; parentName = inherits[i]; i++) {
			var parent = this.getItem(parentName);
			if (parent) {
				ancestors = this.getItemSupers(parent);
				if (ancestors != null) list = list.concat(ancestors);
		item._supers = list;
		return list;
	_getDataProperty : function(data, prop) {
		// summary: internal method, returns data.prop from data object explicitly passed in
		if (data == null) return null;
		for (var i = 0, datum; datum = data[i]; i++) {
			if (datum[prop]) return datum[prop];
			if (datum.meta && datum.meta[prop]) return datum.meta[prop];
		return null;

	getItemSupersProp : function(item, prop, includeItem) {
		// summary: return data property from all of the supers of an item
		var list = [];
		if (includeItem == true && item[prop] != null) {
		var supers = this.getItemSupers(item);
		if (supers) {
			for (var i = 0, parentName; parentName = supers[i]; i++) {
				var parent = this.getItem(parentName);
				if (parent == null) continue;
				if (parent[prop] != null) {
		return list;
	getItemSuperMethods : function(item) {
		// summary: get list of methods from all superclasses of this item
		var all = {};
		var allNames = {};

		var supers = [].concat(this.getItemSupers(item));

		var methodLists = this.getItemSupersProp(item, "methods", true);
		for (var i = 0, list; list = methodLists[i]; i++) {
			var parent = this.getItem(supers[i]);
			for (var m = 0, method; method = list[m]; m++) {
				var leaf = this.getLeafName(;
				if (allNames[leaf] == null) {
					allNames[leaf] = method;
					all[] = method;
		var sortedList = this._sortProperties(allNames, "array");
		return sortedList;
	_sortProperties : function(obj, returnType) {
		// summary: sort property names of an object (lowercase, descending)
		// returnType: if "array", returns an array,
		//				otherwise returns an object whose properties are in the proper order
		var names = [];
		for (var prop in obj) {
			names.push(prop.toLowerCase() + "|"+prop);
		if (returnType == "array") {
			var returnList = [];
			for (var i = 0, name; name = names[i]; i++) {
				name = name.split("|")[1];
			return returnList;
		} else {
			var returnObj = {};
			for (var i = 0, name; name = names[i]; i++) {
				name = name.split("|")[1];
				returnObj[name] = obj[name];
			return returnObj;
	//	get and parts of names
	getTitle : function(name) {
		// summary: return the title (leaf name) of an item
		var title = this.getLeafName(name);
		if (title == "_") title = "*";
		return title;	
	getLeafName : function(name) {
		// summary: return the leaf name of ("name")
		name = name.split(".");
		return name[name.length - 1];
	getParentName : function(name) {
		// summary: return the beginning part of ("a.dotted")
		name = name.split(".");
		return name.slice(0, name.length - 1).join(".");

	getAncestors : function(name) {
		// summary: return an array of the 'ancestors' of
		//			["a", "a.dotted"]
		name = name.split(".");
		if (name.length == 1) return [];

		var list = [name[0]];
		for (var i = 1, len = name.length - 1; i < len; i++) {
			list[i] = list[i-1] + "." + name[i];
		return list;

	//	set/replace display content and messages

	setContent : function(html, el, add) {
		// summary: set html of the main "content" div
		if (el == null) el = this.defaultReferenceId;
		el = dojo.byId(el);

		if (add == true) {
			el.innerHTML += html;
		} else {
			el.innerHTML = "<span id='contentTop'></span>" + html;

	wipeReplace : function(node, newHtml, outTime, inTime) {
		// summary: change content of a DOM node with a wipe in/out effect
		if (outTime == null) outTime = 200;
		if (inTime == null) inTime = 500;
		node = dojo.byId(node);
		var replaceCallback = function() {
			node.innerHTML = newHtml;
			setTimeout(function(){dojo.lfx.wipeIn(node, inTime).play()},100);
		dojo.lfx.wipeOut(node, outTime, null, replaceCallback).play();

	showNotice : function(msg) {
		// summary: show a notice to the user while loading, etc.
		//	todo: make this more visually appealing
		this.setContent(msg + "<br>", true);
	clearNotice : function(msg) {
		// summary: clear the user notice
//		this.setContent("");
	//	output routines

	outputItem : function(item, showDetails, type, data) {
		// summary: output a particular item (by name or reference)
		// pass an explicit type to output in that manner
		item = this.getItem(item);
		showDetails = showDetails || (item.isExpanded == true);
		var output = [];
		if (type == null) type = this.getItemType(item);
		// skip private methods entirely
		if (type == "Method") {
			var isPrivate = (item.title.indexOf("_") == 0);
			if (isPrivate && !this.showPrivate) {
				if (this._debug) dojo.debug("skipping private method " +;
				return "";

		var bodyHtml = this.outputItemBody(item, showDetails, type, data),
			headerHtml = this.outputItemHeader(item, showDetails, type, data)
		return this.outputItemContainer(item, type, headerHtml, bodyHtml);

	outputItemContainer : function(item, type, headerHtml, bodyHtml) {
		// summary: output the container for an item, encompassing its header and body
		var output = ["<div id='",,"-outer' class='"+type+ (type != "Method" ? " Container" : ""), "'>",
						"<div id='",,"-header-",type,"' class='", type, "Header'>",
						"<div id='",,"-body-",type,"' class='",type, "Body'>",
		return output.join("");

	outputItemHeader : function(item, showDetails, type, data) {
		// summary: output the header for an item, based on its type
		item = this.getItem(item);
		if (type == null) type = this.getItemType(item);

		switch (type) {
			case "Method" 		: return this.outputMethodHeader(item, showDetails, type, data);
			case "Constructor" 	: return this.outputMethodHeader(item.constructor, showDetails, type, data);
			case "Resource" 	:
			case "Module" 		:
			case "Class"		: 		
			case "Object" 		: return this.outputObjectHeader(item, showDetails, type, data);
		return ["outputItemHeader(",,"): type:" + type + " not understood..."].join("");

	outputItemBody : function(item, showDetails, type, data) {
		// summary: output the body of an item, based on its type
		//	note: assumes the data files has already been loaded
		item = this.getItem(item);

		if (type == null) type = this.getItemType(item);
		if (type == "Method") {
			return this.outputMethodBody(item, showDetails, type, data);
		} else if (type == "Constructor") {
			return this.outputMethodBody(item.constructor, showDetails, type, data);
		if (showDetails != true) {
			// don't put anything in the body
			return "";

		// TODO: if not loaded, print a message and load it
		// TODO: have a "loading" so we don't get into a loop... ?
		//if (item.isLoaded != true) {
		//		this.itemParserDataIsLoaded(item) ???
		//		this.showItem(, null, + "-container");
		//		return this.outputClickToLoad(item);
		switch (type) {
			case "Resource" : return this.outputResourceBody(item, type, data);
			case "Module" 	:
			case "Object" 	: return this.outputObjectBody(item, type, data);
			case "Class" 	: return this.outputClassBody(item, type, data);
		return ["outputItemBody(",,"): type:" + type + " not understood..."].join("");

	outputObjectHeader : function(item, showDetails, type, data) {
		// summary: output the header for an object (Class, Object, Module or Resource)
		var output = [];
			this.outputItemExpander(item, showDetails, type, "itemHeaderLink", type),
				": ",
				this.outputItemLink(item, type)
		return output.join("");

	outputResourceBody : function(item, type, data) {
		// summary: output body for a resource file
		//	NOTE: I don't think this is currently being used (MOW)
		var output = [];

		output.push(this.outputRequires(item, type, this.getItemMetaData(item, "requires")));

		var methods = this.getItemMetaData(item, "functions");
		var constructor = (methods && methods[] ? methods[].meta : null);

		if (constructor) {
			if (type == "Resource") {
				// HACK: if there's a constructor with the same name as the resource
				//	output a header for it here.
				output.push("<div id='",,"-header' class='", type, "Header'>",
					this.outputObjectHeader(item, false, (item.isConstructable ? "Class" : "Object"), constructor),
			output.push(this.outputProperty(item, type, constructor.summary, "Summary"));

			// TODO: merge with "this_variables" ???
			output.push(this.outputProtoVariables(item, type, constructor.protovariables));

			// output the constructor itself
			output.push(this.outputItemLabel(item, type, "Constructor", "Resource File"));
			output.push(this.outputItem(item, false, "Constructor", constructor));
		output.push(this.outputAllMethods(item, type, data));

		return output.join("");
	outputObjectBody : function(item, type, data) {
		// summary: output body for an Object
		if (data == null) data = ( ?[0] : null);
		var output = [];

		output.push(this.outputResourceFiles(item, type));

		var extra = this.getItemDataProp(item, "extra");
		if (extra && extra.variables) {
			output.push(this.outputObjectProperties(item, type, extra.variables, "Variables"));

		// if the module has "methods", output it as an object
		if (item.methods) {
			output.push(this.outputItemLabel(item, type, "Methods"));
			for (var i = 0, len = item.methods.length; i < len; i++) {
				var child = item.methods[i];
				output.push(this.outputItem(child, false));
		// output the child objects
		if (item.children) {
			for (var i = 0, len = item.children.length; i < len; i++) {
				var child = item.children[i];
				output.push(this.outputItem(child, false));
		return output.join("");

	outputClassBody : function(item, type, data) {
		// summary:  output body for a "Class"
		if (data == null) data = ( ?[0] : null);
		var output = [];

		output.push(this.outputResourceFiles(item, type));

		var extra = this.getItemDataProp(item, "extra");
		if (extra && extra.variables) {
			output.push(this.outputObjectProperties(item, type, extra.variables, "Variables"));

		var constructor = (item.constructor && ?[0] : null);
		if (constructor) {
			output.push(this.outputSupers(item, type));

			output.push(this.outputProperty(item, type, constructor.summary, "Summary"));
			output.push(this.outputProperty(item, type, constructor.description, "Description"));

			// TODO: merge with "this_variables" ???
			output.push(this.outputProtoVariables(item, type, constructor.protovariables));

			// output the constructor itself  (NOTE: we explicitly show the constructor as not expanded)
			output.push(this.outputItemLabel(item, type, "Constructor"));
			var wasExpanded = item.isExpanded;
			item.isExpanded = false;
			output.push(this.outputItem(item, false, "Constructor", constructor));
			item.isExpanded = wasExpanded;

		if (this.showInherited) {
			var superMethods = this.getItemSuperMethods(item);
			output.push(this.outputMethodList(item, type, superMethods));
		} else {
			output.push(this.outputAllMethods(item, type, data));

		return output.join("");
	outputMethodList : function(item, type, list) {
		// summary: output list of methods for an item
		var output = [];
		// output methods in the "all" array (which are sorted, and don't include the constructor)
		output.push(this.outputItemLabel(item, type, "Methods"));

		if (list && list.length > 0) {
			for (var i = 0, method; method = list[i]; i++) {
				output.push(this.outputItem(method, false));
		} else {
			output.push("<div class='emptyMethods'>(none)</div>");		
		return output.join("");

	outputAllMethods : function(item, type, data) {
		// summary: output methods in the "all" array (which are sorted, and don't include the constructor)
		var output = [];
		output.push(this.outputItemLabel(item, type, "Methods"));

		if (item.all != null && item.all.length > 0) {
			for (var i = 0, method; method = item.all[i]; i++) {
				output.push(this.outputItem(method, false));
		} else {
			output.push("<div class='emptyMethods'>(none)</div>");		
		return output.join("");

	outputSuperMethods : function(item, type) {
		// summary: output methods from this object and its superclasses
		var supers = this.getItemSupers(item);
		if (supers == null || supers.length == 0) return "";

		var output = [];

		for (var p = 0, parentName; parentName = supers[p]; p++) {
			var parent = this.getItem(parentName);
			if (parent.methods && parent.methods.length > 0) {
				// output methods in the "all" array (which are sorted, and don't include the constructor)
				output.push(this.outputItemLabel(parent, type, "Methods for "+parentName));
				for (var i = 0, method; method = parent.methods[i]; i++) {
					output.push(this.outputItem(method, false));
		return output.join("");

	outputMethodHeader : function(item, showDetails, type, data) {
		// summary: output the header for an individual method
		// note: this can be called before the method has actually been loaded
		//	we do NOT recusively do a showItem in this case, because our parent has almost certainly already done so... ???
		if (data == null) {
			data = ?[0] : null;

		var output = ["<table class='MethodHeaderTable' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tr><td class='MethodHeaderName'><nobr>"];
		output.push(this.outputItemExpander(item, showDetails, type, null, this.getLeafName(;
		output.push("</nobr></td><td class='MethodHeaderParams'>(");

		if (data && data.meta) data = data.meta;
		if (data != null) {
			var params = data.parameters;
			if (params) {
				var paramOutput = [];
				for (var paramName in params) {
					var paramType = params[paramName].type;
					paramType = this.outputItemLink(paramType);
					if (paramType != null && paramType != "") {
						paramType = ["<span class=paramType>", paramType, "</span> "].join("");
					} else {
						paramType = "";
					paramOutput.push(["<span class='param'><nobr>", paramType, paramName, "</nobr></span>"].join(""));
				output.push("<span class=paramsList>", paramOutput.join(", "),  "</span>");	
			if (data.returns) {
				output.push(" <span class='param'>returns <span class=paramType>", this.outputItemLink(data.returns), "</span></span>");
		} else {
			output.push("???)", this.outputClickToLoad(item)); 
		output.push(this.outputResourceFilesAsList(item, type, item.resource));		
		return output.join("");
	outputMethodBody : function(item, showDetails, type, data) {
		// summary: output the body for one particular method
		//	outputs a summary or the full body, depending on "showDetails"
		// TODO: we may have data from more than one resource -- figure that out here...   Context?
		if (data == null) {
			data = ?[0] : null;

		if (data == null) {
			return "";//this.outputClickToLoad(item);

		if (data.meta) data = data.meta;

		if (showDetails) {
			return this.outputMethodDetails(item, type, data);
		} else {
			return this.outputMethodSummary(item, type, data);

	outputMethodSummary : function(item, type, data) {
		// summary: output the summary only for a method
		var output = [];
		if (data.summary) {
			output.push("<div class=MethodSummary>", data.summary, "</div>");
		return output.join("");

	outputMethodDetails : function(item, type, data) {
		// summary: output the full body of a method
		var output = [];
		output.push("<div class='MethodDetails'>");

		if (type != "Constructor") output.push(this.outputProperty(item, type, data.summary, "Summary"));
		if (type != "Constructor") output.push(this.outputProperty(item, type, data.description, "Description"));
		output.push(this.outputParameters(item, type, data.parameters));
		output.push(this.outputSrc(item, type, data, data.src));

		output.push("</div>");	// detailsContainer
		return output.join("");

	//	generic outputters
	outputClickToLoad : function(item, type) {
		// summary: output the "click to load" message for a function
		return [" <span class='",type,"ClickToLoad itemClickToLoad' onclick=\"ApiRef.expandItem('",, "')\">Click to load...</span>"].join("");

	outputProperty : function(item, type, value, title) {
		// summary: output value of a particular property of an item
		if (value == null || value == "") return "";
		return this.outputItemLabel(item, type, title) + this.outputItemValue(item, type, value, title);

	outputResourceFiles : function(item, type, resources, title) {
		// summary: output the list of resource files for an Object
		if (resources == null) resources = item.resource;
		if (resources == null) return "";
		if (title == null) title = "Defined in";
		var resourceOut = [];
		for (var i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) {
			resourceOut.push([" <span class='fileLink inlineIconLeft jsFileIcon' style='float:left;padding-right:10px;' onclick=\"ApiRef.openSourceFile('", resources[i], "')\">", 
		return this.outputProperty(item, type, resourceOut.join("") + "<div style='clear:both;height:5px;'></div>", title);

	outputResourceFilesAsList : function(item, type, resources) {
		// summary: output the list of resources for a method (different presentation)
		if (resources == null) resources = item.resource;
		if (resources == null) return "";
		if (!dojo.lang.isArrayLike(resources)) resources = [resources];
		var resourceOut = [];
		for (var i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) {
			resourceOut.push([" <div class='", type, "ResourceFile itemResourceFile inlineIconLeft jsFileIcon' onclick=\"ApiRef.openSourceFile('", resources[i], "')\">", resources[i], "</div>"].join(""));
		return resourceOut.join("");//this.outputProperty(item, type, resourceOut.join(", "), "Defined in");

	outputItemLabel : function(item, type, title, rightFloat) {
		// summary: output the label for an Object or Resource, etc.
		return ["<div class='", type, "Label itemLabel'>", title,":</div>"].join("");

	outputItemValue : function(item, type, value, title) {
		// summary: output the value for a particular item
		return [
			"<div class='", type, title, " item", title, " ", type,"Value'>",

	outputObjectProperties : function(item, type, object, title) {
		// summary: output a list of properties of an object
		if (object == null) return "";
		var output = [];
		if (title != null) output.push(this.outputItemLabel(item, type, title));
		output.push("<table class='paramTable'><tr><td class=paramHeader>Property</td><td class=paramHeader>Value</td></tr>");
		for (var prop in object) {
			output.push("<tr><td class='paramName'>",prop,"</td><td class='paramDescription'>",object[prop],"</td></tr>");
		return output.join("");

	outputSupers : function(item, type) {
		// summary: output the list of supers for an item
		var supers = this.getItemSupers(item);
		if (supers == null) return "";
		var output = [];
		for (var i = 0, it; it = supers[i]; i++) {
		output = output.reverse();
		output = output.join(" &gt; ");
		return this.outputProperty(item, type, output, "Inheritance Chain");

	outputRequires : function(item, type, requiresObj) {
		// summary: output the requires for an object
		if (requiresObj == null) return "";

		var output = [];
		for (var prop in requiresObj) {
			var requires = requiresObj[prop];
			var requiresOutput = [];
			for (var i = 0; i < requires.length; i++) {
			output.push(prop + ": " + requiresOutput.join(", "));
		return this.outputProperty(item, type, output.join(""), "Requires");

	outputSrc : function(item, type, data, src) {
		// summary: output src code for an item
		if (src == null || src == "") return "";

		// add the method signature
		var fullSrc = [];
		fullSrc.push(, " = function (");
		if (data && data.parameters) {
			var paramOut = [];
			for (var name in data.parameters) {
			fullSrc.push(paramOut.join(", "));
		fullSrc.push(") {\n", src, "\n}");
		fullSrc = fullSrc.join("");
		return this.outputProperty(item, type, "<pre>" + this.prettyPrintJs(fullSrc) + "</pre>", "Source"); 
	outputParameters : function(item, type, params, filteredList, title) {
		// summary: output the list of parameters for a function
		if (params == null) return "";

		var output = [];
		output.push("<table class='paramTable'>");
		output.push("<tr><td class=paramHeader>Type</td><td class=paramHeader>Name</td><td class=paramHeader>Description</td></tr>");

		if (filteredList == null) {
			for (var name in params) {
				output.push(this._outputParameter(params[name], name));
		} else {
			for (var i = 0; i < filteredList.length; i++) {
				var name = filteredList[i];
				output.push(this._outputParameter(params[name], name));

		if (title == null) title = "Parameters";
		return this.outputProperty(item, type, output.join(""), title);
	_outputParameter : function(param, name) {
		// summary: output a single parameter
		var isPrivate = name.indexOf("_") == 0;
		if (isPrivate && !this.showPrivate) {
			if (this._debug) dojo.debug("skipping private parameter " + name);

		var output = [];
		var isOptional = false;
		var type = param.type;
		if (type) {
			var questionChar = type.indexOf("?");
			if (questionChar > 0) {
				isOptional = true;
				type = type.substring(0, questionChar);
			output.push("<td class='paramType'>", this.outputItemLink(type), "</td>");
		} else {
			output.push("<td class='paramType'>&nbsp;</td>");

		output.push("<td class='paramName'>",name,"</td>");

		var description = param.description;
		if (description == null) description = "&nbsp;";
		if (isOptional) description = "<span class=paramOptional>(optional)</span> " + description;
		if (isPrivate) description = "<span class=paramPrivate>(private)</span> " + description;
		output.push("<td class='paramDescription'>", description, "</td>");

		return output.join("");
	outputProtoVariables : function(item, type, protoVars) {
		// summary: output the protoytpe variables for an item
		if (protoVars == null) return "";
		var output = [];
		// split the vars into props and event handlers
		var propList = this.filterParams(protoVars, function(name) {return name.indexOf("on") != 0});
		var handlerList = this.filterParams(protoVars, function(name) {return name.indexOf("on") == 0});
		// if both are present, write them in a table next to each other
		var bothPresent = (propList != null && handlerList != null);
		if (bothPresent) output.push("<table class='classParamTable'><tr><td class='classParamTableCell'>");

		if (propList) {
			output.push(this.outputParameters(item, type, protoVars, propList, "Instance Variables"));
		if (bothPresent) output.push("</td><td valign=top>");
		if (handlerList) {
			output.push(this.outputParameters(item, type, protoVars, handlerList, "Event Handlers"));					

		if (bothPresent) {
		return output.join("");

	outputItemExpander : function(item, isOpen, type, className, title) {
		// summary: output the expand/collapse link for an item or method
		if (type == null) type = this.getItemType(item);
		if (title == null) title =;
		if (className == null) className = "itemLink";
		var toggleMethod = (isOpen ? "collapseItem" : "expandItem");
		var toggleClass = [className, " ", className, (isOpen ? "Expanded" : "Collapsed")].join("");

		return this.outputItemLink(, type, toggleMethod, toggleClass, title);

	outputItemLink : function(name, type, linkMethod, className, title) {
		// summary: output an item name as a link (generally to show the item)
		if (name == null) return "";
		if (typeof name != "string") {
			if (name.length) {
				// TODO: make this output a list of names
				name = name[0];
			} else {
				// else assume it is an item, use
				name =;
		if (name == null) return "";
		if (title == null) title = name;

		// skip types that are not in the functionMap, since we can't link to them anyway
		if (this.getItem(name) == null) return title;

		typeStr = (type == null ? "" : ", '" + type + "'");
		if (linkMethod == null) linkMethod = "showItem";
		if (className == null) className = "itemLink";
		var split = name.split(".");
		var searchName = name;
		if (split[split.length - 1] == "*") {
			searchName = this.getParentName(name);

		var linkHandler = ["ApiRef.", linkMethod,"('"+searchName+"'", typeStr, ")"].join("");
		return ["<span class=\"", className, "\" onclick=\"", linkHandler, "\">", 
	prettyPrintJs : function(src) {
		// summary: pretty print some JS source
		src = src.split("\t").join("  ");
		src = dojo.string.escape("html", src);
		var targets = this._jsColorizeTargets;
		for (var i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {
			var re = targets[i].re,
				replacement = targets[i].replacement
			src = src.replace(re, replacement);
		return src;
	_jsColorizeTargets : [
		{re:/'(.*?)'/g, replacement:"<span class='sourceString'>'$1'</span>"},
		{re:/"(.*?)"/g, replacement:"<span class='sourceString'>\"$1\"</span>"},
		{re:/(dojo[\.\w]*)/g, replacement:"<span class='sourceDojoRef' onclick=\"ApiRef.showItem('$1')\">$1</span>"},
		{re:/(\W)(break|case|catch|continue|delete|do|else|false|finally|for|function|if|in|instanceof|new|return|switch|this|true|try|typeof|var|void|while|with)(?=\W)/g, replacement:"$1<span class='sourceKeyword'>$2</span>" },
		{re:/(\/\/.*)\n/g, replacement:"<span class='sourceComment'>$1</span>\n"}
	filterParams : function (params, filter) {
		// summary: filter an object, returning only items for which the filter function returns true
		var output = [];
		for (var name in params) {
			if (filter(name) == true) output.push(name);
		if (output.length == 0) return null;
		return output;

	//	Initialization stuff

	initObjectList : function(function_names) {
		// summary: Initialize the list of function/object names from the function_names file
		this.resourceMap = function_names;
		try {
			// make the map of nodes, which also figures out their types
			this.showNotice("Parsing API index...");

			// hook the function items up into an tree, that we will use as nodes in the tree widget

		} catch (error) {

	//	routines to build the tree of objects
	initFunctionMap : function() {
		// summary: Build the data structures from the "resourceMap" file needed to display things.
		// description:
		//	Populates two objects:
		//		ApiRef.functionList	: a sorted array of all of the functions the parser told us about
		//		ApiRef.functionMap	: an object listing each function, and its:
		//				.type		: "module" "resource" "class" or "method"
		//				.parserFile	: output/local/json file it comes from
		//				.resource	: high-level object it can be found in (ie: for 'nested classes' listed under superclass)


		var resourceMap = this.resourceMap;
		for (var resourceName in resourceMap) {
			var fnList = resourceMap[resourceName],
				nameSplit = resourceName.split("."),
				leafName = nameSplit[nameSplit.length - 1]

			// get the parserFile, which is the first two items of the resourceName
			//  XXX I'm not sure this is always correct
			var parserFile = nameSplit.slice(0,2).join(".");

			// if entry ends with "_", it's a __resource__ file -- strip off the "_"
			var itemName = resourceName;//(leafName != "_" ? resourceName : nameSplit.slice(0, nameSplit.length - 1).join(".")+".*");

			// add the resource item itself to the map
			this.addFunctionToMap("isResource", itemName, resourceName, parserFile);

			for (var i = 0; i < fnList.length; i++) {
				var fn = fnList[i];
				if (fn.charAt(0) == "[") {
					if (this._debug) dojo.debug("Skipping array item: " + fn);
				var typeFlag = "isMethod";
				this.addFunctionToMap(typeFlag, fn, resourceName, parserFile);


	addFunctionToMap : function(typeFlag, name, resource, parserFile) {
		// summary: add a particular item to the function map
		// NOTE: this adds the items to the map in lower case, to speed sorting
		//	converted back to mixed-case in initFunctionMap by looking at
		if (!name) return;

		var hasCurlyBraces = name.match(/{(..*)}/);
		if (hasCurlyBraces) {
			name = name.substr(1,name.length-2);

		// handle case where an object is passed in
		//	(this indicates something that was pre-seeded in the list and being normalized)
		if (typeof resource == "object") {
			this.functionMap[name] = resource;
		// make sure the ancestors have been added
		var ancestors = this.getAncestors(name),
			lastAncestor = null
		for (var i = 0, len = ancestors.length; i < len; i++) {
			var ancestorName = ancestors[i],
				ancestor = this.functionMap[ancestorName]

			if (ancestor == null) {
				var ancestorSplit = ancestorName.split(".");
				var ancestorFlag = (ancestorSplit[0] == "dojo" && ancestorSplit.length < 3 ? "isModule" : "isObject");

				ancestor = this.functionMap[ancestorName] = {
					name : ancestorName,
					title : this.getTitle(ancestorName),
					resource : [(ancestorName == "dojo" ? "dojo" : resource)],		// TOTAL HACK
					parserFile : (ancestorName == "dojo" ? "dojo" : parserFile),		// TOTAL HACK
					parentName : (lastAncestor ? : null)
				ancestor[ancestorFlag] = ancestorFlag.charAt(2);
				if (this._looksLikeAClass(ancestorName)) this._setUpClass(ancestor);

			} else {
				// note that an item was installed from this resource
//				this._addResource(ancestor.resource, resource);
			ancestor.hasChildren = "K";
			ancestor.isObject = "O";
			lastAncestor = ancestor;

//		if (lastAncestor) this._addResource(lastAncestor.resource, resource);

		// now add the item itself
		var item = this.functionMap[name];
		// NOTE: check for typeof item == "function" to handle "toString" function name, which was conflicting with built-in obj.toString
		if (item == null || typeof item == "function") {
			item = this.functionMap[name] = {
				name : name,
				title : this.getTitle(name),
				resource : [resource],
				parserFile : parserFile,
				parentName : (lastAncestor ? : null)
			if (this._looksLikeAClass(name)) this._setUpClass(item);
		} else {
			// the item was already found
			// note that it was found in the specified resource
			this._addResource(item.resource, resource);
			//if (name != dojo.debug("!!! _add(",name,resource,parserFile,"): item name was ",;
			//if (resource != item.resource) dojo.debug("!!! _add(",name,resource,parserFile,"): item resource was ",item.resource);
			//if (parserFile != item.parserFile) dojo.debug("!!! _add(",name,resource,parserFile,"): item parserFile was ",item.parserFile);
		item[typeFlag] = (typeFlag == "isMethod" ? "F" : typeFlag.charAt(2));
		if (hasCurlyBraces) item.isCurly = "{";	

	_looksLikeAClass : function (name) {
		// summary: return true if this item appears to be constructable
		if (name.constructor == String) name = name.split(".");
		var firstChar = name[name.length - 1].charAt(0);
		return (firstChar != "_" && firstChar.toLowerCase() != firstChar  && isNaN(parseInt(firstChar)));

	_addResource : function (resourceList, resource) {
		// summary: add a resource to the resource list if it is not already present
		for (var i = 0, it; it = resourceList[i]; i++) {
			if (it == resource) return;

	_setUpClass : function (item) {
		// summary: set up a class object
		item.isConstructable = "N";
		item.constructor = {
			name :,
			title : item.title,
			resource : item.resource,
			parserFile : item.parserFile,
			parentName : item.parentName,
			isMethod : "F"


	sortFunctionMap : function() {
		// summary: Sort the functionMap, case insensitive
		var unsortedMap = this.functionMap;
		var sortFnList = [];
		for (var fn in unsortedMap) {
			// put a "0" before functions, "1" before everything else 
			//	so loose functions sort above everything else (???)
			var item = unsortedMap[fn];
			sortFnList.push(fn.toLowerCase() + " " + fn);
		if (this._debug) dojo.debug("initFunctionMap(): found " + sortFnList.length + " items");


		// now re-build a sorted map based on the sorted list
		// note: we transform map back to case sensitive here
		// also populate this.functionList with the sorted names
		var sortedList = this.functionList = [];
		var sortedMap = {};
		for (var i = 0, sortName; sortName = sortFnList[i]; i++) {
			var name = sortName.split(" ")[1],
				item = unsortedMap[name]

			sortedMap[name] = item;

		this.functionMap = sortedMap;
	initFunctionTree : function() {
		// summary: Make the function tree from the sorted list of functions.
		var sortedList = this.functionList;
		var sortedMap = this.functionMap;

		var fnTree = this.functionTree = [];		// tree of all functions, look in the "all", "methods" and "children" properties for kids
		var objTree = this.objectTree = [];			// tree of only non-function object -- look in the "children" property for kids
		for (var i = 0, len = sortedList.length; i < len; i++) {
			var name = sortedList[i],
				item = sortedMap[name],
				fnParent = (item.parentName ? sortedMap[item.parentName] : null)
			if (fnParent) {
				if (fnParent.all == null) fnParent.all = [];
			} else {
			// if the item is a method and the parent is present
			if (this.itemIsMethod(item)) {
				if (fnParent) {
					// add methods to fnParent.methods
					if (fnParent.methods == null) fnParent.methods = [];
			} else if (item.isConstructable || item.hasChildren) {
				var objParent = (item.parentName ? sortedMap[item.parentName] : null);
				if (objParent) {
					if (objParent.children == null) objParent.children = [];
				} else{
				// hack in the debug titles here
				if (this._debug) {
					item.title = [item.title, " <span class='tinyGray'>", this.getItemTypeString(item), "</span>"].join("");


	initTreeWidget : function() {
		// summary: initialize the tree widget and its subsidiary classes
		// create the tree and controller
		var controller = this.treeController = dojo.widget.createWidget("TreeBasicControllerV3");
		var selector = this.treeSelector = dojo.widget.createWidget("TreeSelectorV3");
		var hiliter = this.treeHiliter = dojo.widget.createWidget("TreeEmphasizeOnSelect", {selector:selector.widgetId});
		var treeWidget = this.treeWidget = dojo.widget.createWidget("TreeV3", {listeners: [selector.widgetId, controller.widgetId]});

		dojo.event.topic.subscribe(, this, "onTreeSelect")

		// expand the tree to the first level
		controller.expandToLevel(treeWidget, 1);

		// after expanding, set things up so it'll wipe up and down when opened
//BUG:TREE there is a bug in the tree with the wipe toggle where it doesn't reset the height properly on closing
//		treeWidget.toggleObj = dojo.lfx.toggle.wipe;

		var displayEl = dojo.byId("fnTreeContainer");
		displayEl.innerHTML = "";

	getInitialSearch : function() {
		// summary: get the initial search from the hash or cookie, defaults to "dojo"
		var initialItem = "dojo";
		var hash = window.location.hash;
		if (hash != null && hash.charAt(0) == "#") {
			// strip off the leading "#"
			initialItem = hash.substr(1);
		} else {
			var cookieItem ="ApiRef_lastItem");
			if (cookieItem != null) initialItem = cookieItem;
		if (initialItem == null) initialItem = "dojo";

		// split into "name:type"
		initialItem = initialItem.split(":");

		// set the initial page state to the cookie sate
		dojo.undo.browser.setInitialState(new ApiRef.BookmarkState(initialItem[0], initialItem[1]));

		// call showItem, but don't record the state since we just setInitialState
		ApiRef.showItem(initialItem[0], initialItem[1], null, false);	

	// search combobox 
	initSearchBox : function() {	
		// summary: initialize the search comboBox
		var searchBox = this.searchBox = dojo.widget.byId("searchBox");
		var provider = searchBox.dataProvider;
		// munge the functionlist into [  [name,name], ... ]
		var optionList = [];
		for (var i = 0, name; name = this.functionList[i]; i++) {
			optionList[i] = [name, name];
		// and assign this as the data for the searchBox provider

/*		// override the startSearch routine to look at local data rather than going to a server page
		provider.startSearch = function(searchStr) {
			var searchLength = searchStr.length;
			var searchType = "SUBSTRING";
			if("dojo.".match(new RegExp("^" + searchStr)) || searchStr.match(new RegExp("^dojo\."))){
				var searchType = "STARTSTRING";
				searchLength -= 4;
			var searchBox = dojo.widget.byId("searchBox");
// = "hidden";
//			if(searchLength > 2) {
// = "visible";
//			}
			this._performSearch(searchStr, searchType);			

		// set up the "selectOption" event to run the search		
		dojo.event.connect(searchBox, "selectOption", 
			function(event) {
				var name = ApiRef.getSearchBoxValue();
//dojo.debug("Done initializing searchBox");
	getSearchBoxValue : function() {
		// summary:  return the value currently displayed by the search box
		return this.searchBox.textInputNode.value;
	setSearchBoxValue : function(value) {
		// summary: set the value currently displayed by the search box
		this.searchBox.textInputNode.value = value;

	//	debug stuff

	debug_show : function(text) {
		var el = dojo.byId("debug");
		if (!el) el = dojo.byId("content");
		el.innerHTML = text;

	debugMenuAction : function(action, el) {
		el.selectedIndex = 0;
	debug_toggleDebug : function() {
		this._debug = (this._debug ? false : true);
		this._autoDebugProfile = (this._profile && this._debug);"ApiRef_debug", ""+this._debug, 180);
		dojo.debug("Debugging is now " + (this._debug ? "on." : "off."));
	debug_toggleProfile : function() {
		this._profile = (this._profile ? false : true);
		this._autoDebugProfile = (this._profile && this._debug);"ApiRef_profile", ""+this._profile, 180);
		dojo.debug("Profiling is now " + (this._profile ? "on." : "off."));
	debug_showResourceMap : function() {
		this.debug_show("<H2>Resource to function map (from output/local/json/function_names)</h2>"+ApiRef.objectToHtml(ApiRef.resourceMap, true, null));

	debug_showKnownFunctions : function() {
		this.debug_show("<H2>List of known functions:</h2>"+ApiRef.objectToHtml(this.functionList, true));
	debug_showFunctionMap : function(showFunctions) {
		var map = this.functionMap;
		if (showFunctions == false) {
			var map = {};
			for (var prop in this.functionMap) {
				var item = this.functionMap[prop];
				if (this.itemIsMethod(item)) continue;
				map[prop] = this.functionMap[prop];
		} else {
			var map = this.functionMap;	

		var fieldList = ["itemType","type","parentName","parserFile","resource"]
			getRowClassFn = function(prop, item) {
				var type = ApiRef.getItemTypeString(item);
				item.type = "<tt>"+type+"</tt>";
				return (ApiRef.itemIsMethod(item) ? "subtleRow" : "normalRow");
		this.debug_show("<H2>Function -> Type Map</h2>"+ApiRef.objectToTable(map, fieldList, getRowClassFn));

	debug_showObjectMap : function() {

	debug_showFunctionTree : function() {
		this.debug_show("<H2>Function tree:</h2>"+ApiRef.objectToHtml(ApiRef.functionTree, true, null));
	debug_showFunctionTreeNames : function() {
		this.debug_show("<H2>Function tree:</h2>"+ApiRef.childMapToHtml(ApiRef.functionTree, true, null));

	debug_showParserData : function(parserFile, parserData) {
		// summary:
		//	debug the entire parser output for a particular doc file

		if (parserData == null) {
			if (parserFile == null) {
				parserFile = prompt("Show data for which parser file?","ApiRef_lastParserFile") || "dojo");
				if (parserFile == null) return;"ApiRef_lastParserFile", parserFile);
			var callback = function() {
				var parserData = ApiRef.getParserData(parserFile);
				ApiRef.debug_show("<H2>Data for parser file '"+parserFile+"'</h2>"+ApiRef.objectToHtml(parserData, true, null));	
			this.loadParserData(parserFile, callback);
		} else {
			ApiRef.debug_show("<H2>Data for parser file '"+parserFile+"'</h2>"+ApiRef.objectToHtml(parserData, true, null));	

	debug_showItemData : function(itemName) {
		// summary
		//	debug the parser output for a named reference
		if (itemName == null) {
			itemName = prompt("Show data for which item?","ApiRef_lastItem") || "dojo");
			if (itemName == null) return;"ApiRef_lastItem", itemName);
		var item = this.getItem(itemName);
		var callback = function() {
			var itemData = ApiRef.getItemData(item);
			var itemType = ApiRef.getItemTypeString(item);
			ApiRef.debug_show("<H2>Data for item '"+itemName+"' which looks like a "+itemType+"</h2>"+ApiRef.objectToHtml(itemData, true, null));	
		this.loadParserData(item.parserFile, callback);
	debug_showItem : function(itemName) {	
		if (itemName == null) {
			itemName = prompt("Show data for which item?","ApiRef_lastItem") || "dojo");
			if (itemName == null) return;"ApiRef_lastItem", itemName);
		var item = this.getItem(itemName);
		dojo.debug(itemName, item);
//		ApiRef.debug_show(ApiRef.objectToHtml(item));
	debug_showTodo : function() {"ApiRef_todo.html", "todo");


//	back-forward state

// NOTE: declaring this inline below was hosing safari
var fn = function init(name, type) {
	//dojo.debug("CREATING STATE: ",, this.type); = name; 
	this.type = type;
	this.changeUrl = + (this.type ? ":" + this.type : "");
		back : function() {
			//dojo.debug("BACK TO:",, this.type);
			ApiRef.showItem(, this.type, null, false);
		forward : function() {
			//dojo.debug("FORWARD TO:",, this.type);
			ApiRef.showItem(, this.type, null, false);						

// mix in the profiling helper code
dojo.lang.mixin(ApiRef, dojo.profile.ProfileHelper);
ApiRef._profile = false;
ApiRef._autoDebugProfile = false;


ApiRef.childMapToHtml = function (/*Object*/ it) {
	function getKidMap(obj) {
		if (!obj || !obj.children) return null;
		var output = {};
		for (var prop in obj.children) {
			var kid = obj.children[prop];
			output[prop] = getKidMap(kid);
		return output;
	var kidMap = getKidMap(it);
	return ApiRef.objectToHtml(kidMap);

ApiRef.objectToHtml = function(/*Object*/ it, /*Boolean*/ sort) {
	return "<pre class='objectOutput'>" + ApiRef.objectToString(it, sort) + "</pre>";

ApiRef.objectToString = function(/*Object*/ it, /*Boolean*/ sort) {
	return ApiRef._objectToString(it, (sort != false), "");

ApiRef._objectToString = function(/*Object*/ it, /*Boolean*/ sort, /*String*/ indent) {
	if (it == null) return "<null>";
	var sortFn = function(a,b) {
		if (a == b) return 0;
		if (a == null) return -1;
		if (b == null) return 1;
		a = (""+a).toLowerCase();
		b = (""+b).toLowerCase();
		if (a < b) return -1;
		return 1;

	var output = [];
	var nextIndent = indent + "   ";

	switch (it.constructor) {
		case Number:
		case Boolean:
			return ""+it;
		case String:
			it = it.replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
			it = it.replace(/</g, "&lt;");
	//		it = it.replace(/\n/g, "\\n");
			return '"' + it + '"';

		case Array:
			for (var i = 0; i < it.length; i++) {
				output.push(ApiRef._objectToString(it[i], sort, nextIndent));
			if (sort) output.sort(sortFn);
			return ["[\n", nextIndent, output.join(",\n"+indent+"   "), "\n", indent, "]"].join("");
		case Function: 		
			return it.toString().match(/.*\)/) + " {...}";
			for (var prop in it) {
				output.push(prop + " : " + ApiRef._objectToString(it[prop], sort, nextIndent));
			if (sort) output.sort(sortFn);
			if (output.length == 0) {
				return "{}";
			return ["{\n", nextIndent, output.join(",\n" + nextIndent), "\n", indent, "}"].join("");

ApiRef.objectToTable = function(object, outputFields, getRowClassFn) {
	var output = [];
	for (var prop in object) {
		var item = object[prop];
		var className = (getRowClassFn ? getRowClassFn(prop, item) : "normalRow");
		var itemOut = ["<tr class='", className, "'><td style='font-size:small'>", prop, " </td>"];
		for (var f = 0, flen = outputFields.length; f < flen; f++) {
			itemOut.push("<td style='font-size:small'>", item[outputFields[f]], " </td>");
	var tableOutput = ["<table style='border-collapse:collapse' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=1>\n",
						"<tr><th style='font-size:small;text-align:left;'>Item</th>"];
	for (var f = 0, len = outputFields.length; f < flen; f++) {
		tableOutput.push("<th style='font-size:small;text-align:left;'>", outputFields[f], " </th>");
	return tableOutput.join("");

// hack up ComoboBox._handleKeyEvents to make return and tab do the same thing
// I'm sure this could be done with aspect oriented programming, but I don't know how to do it...
dojo.widget.ComboBox.prototype.__handleKeyEvents = dojo.widget.ComboBox.prototype._handleKeyEvents;
dojo.widget.ComboBox.prototype._handleKeyEvents = function(evt){
	var key = evt.key;
	if (key == dojo.event.browser.keys.KEY_ENTER) {
		evt.key = dojo.event.browser.keys.KEY_TAB;
	return this.__handleKeyEvents(evt);