John Cappiello - Dojo.common-0.4.1

Documentation | Source
 * loader.js - A bootstrap module.  Runs before the hostenv_*.js file. Contains all of the package loading methods.

//A semi-colon is at the start of the line because after doing a build, this function definition
//get compressed onto the same line as the last line in bootstrap1.js. That list line is just a
//curly bracket, and the browser complains about that syntax. The semicolon fixes it. Putting it
//here instead of at the end of bootstrap1.js, since it is more of an issue for this file, (using
//the closure), and bootstrap1.js could change in the future.
	//Additional properties for dojo.hostenv
	var _addHostEnv = {
		pkgFileName: "__package__",
		// for recursion protection
		loading_modules_: {},
		loaded_modules_: {},
		addedToLoadingCount: [],
		removedFromLoadingCount: [],
		inFlightCount: 0,
		// FIXME: it should be possible to pull module prefixes in from djConfig
		modulePrefixes_: {
			dojo: {name: "dojo", value: "src"}

		setModulePrefix: function(/*String*/module, /*String*/prefix){
			// summary: establishes module/prefix pair
			this.modulePrefixes_[module] = {name: module, value: prefix};

		moduleHasPrefix: function(/*String*/module){
			// summary: checks to see if module has been established
			var mp = this.modulePrefixes_;
			return Boolean(mp[module] && mp[module].value); // Boolean

		getModulePrefix: function(/*String*/module){
			// summary: gets the prefix associated with module
				return this.modulePrefixes_[module].value; // String
			return module; // String

		getTextStack: [],
		loadUriStack: [],
		loadedUris: [],
		//WARNING: This variable is referenced by packages outside of bootstrap: FloatingPane.js and undo/browser.js
		post_load_: false,
		//Egad! Lots of test files push on this directly instead of using dojo.addOnLoad.
		modulesLoadedListeners: [],
		unloadListeners: [],
		loadNotifying: false
	//Add all of these properties to dojo.hostenv
	for(var param in _addHostEnv){
		dojo.hostenv[param] = _addHostEnv[param];

dojo.hostenv.loadPath = function(/*String*/relpath, /*String?*/module, /*Function?*/cb){
// summary:
//	Load a Javascript module given a relative path
// description:
//	Loads and interprets the script located at relpath, which is relative to the
//	script root directory.  If the script is found but its interpretation causes
//	a runtime exception, that exception is not caught by us, so the caller will
//	see it.  We return a true value if and only if the script is found.
//	For now, we do not have an implementation of a true search path.  We
//	consider only the single base script uri, as returned by getBaseScriptUri().
// relpath: A relative path to a script (no leading '/index.html', and typically
// 	ending in '/doc/j/jc/jcap/Dojo/common/041/lib/src/.js').
// module: A module whose existance to check for after loading a path.
//	Can be used to determine success or failure of the load.
// cb: a callback function to pass the result of evaluating the script

	var uri;
	if(relpath.charAt(0) == '/index.html' || relpath.match(/^\w+:/)){
		// dojo.raise("relpath '" + relpath + "'; must be relative");
		uri = relpath;
		uri = this.getBaseScriptUri() + relpath;
	if(djConfig.cacheBust && dojo.render.html.capable){
		uri += "?" + String(djConfig.cacheBust).replace(/\W+/g,"");
		return !module ? this.loadUri(uri, cb) : this.loadUriAndCheck(uri, module, cb); // Boolean
		return false; // Boolean

dojo.hostenv.loadUri = function(/*String (URL)*/uri, /*Function?*/cb){
// summary:
//	Loads JavaScript from a URI
// description:
//	Reads the contents of the URI, and evaluates the contents.  This is used to load modules as well
//	as resource bundles.  Returns true if it succeeded. Returns false if the URI reading failed.
//	Throws if the evaluation throws.
// uri: a uri which points at the script to be loaded
// cb: a callback function to process the result of evaluating the script as an expression, typically
//	used by the resource bundle loader to load JSON-style resources

		return true; // Boolean
	var contents = this.getText(uri, null, true);
	if(!contents){ return false; } // Boolean
	this.loadedUris[uri] = true;
	if(cb){ contents = '('+contents+')'; }
	var value = dj_eval(contents);
	if(cb){ cb(value); }
	return true; // Boolean

// FIXME: probably need to add logging to this method
dojo.hostenv.loadUriAndCheck = function(/*String (URL)*/uri, /*String*/moduleName, /*Function?*/cb){
	// summary: calls loadUri then findModule and returns true if both succeed
	var ok = true;
		ok = this.loadUri(uri, cb);
		dojo.debug("failed loading ", uri, " with error: ", e);
	return Boolean(ok && this.findModule(moduleName, false)); // Boolean

dojo.loaded = function(){ }
dojo.unloaded = function(){ }

dojo.hostenv.loaded = function(){
	this.loadNotifying = true;
	this.post_load_ = true;
	var mll = this.modulesLoadedListeners;
	for(var x=0; x<mll.length; x++){

	//Clear listeners so new ones can be added
	//For other xdomain package loads after the initial load.
	this.modulesLoadedListeners = [];
	this.loadNotifying = false;


dojo.hostenv.unloaded = function(){
	var mll = this.unloadListeners;

dojo.addOnLoad = function(/*Object?*/obj, /*String|Function*/functionName) {
// summary:
//	Registers a function to be triggered after the DOM has finished loading 
//	and widgets declared in markup have been instantiated.  Images and CSS files
//	may or may not have finished downloading when the specified function is called.
//	(Note that widgets' CSS and HTML code is guaranteed to be downloaded before said
//	widgets are instantiated.)
// usage:
//	dojo.addOnLoad(functionPointer)
//	dojo.addOnLoad(object, "functionName")

	var dh = dojo.hostenv;
	if(arguments.length == 1) {
	} else if(arguments.length > 1) {
		dh.modulesLoadedListeners.push(function() {

	//Added for xdomain loading. dojo.addOnLoad is used to
	//indicate callbacks after doing some dojo.require() statements.
	//In the xdomain case, if all the requires are loaded (after initial
	//page load), then immediately call any listeners.
	if(dh.post_load_ && dh.inFlightCount == 0 && !dh.loadNotifying){

dojo.addOnUnload = function(/*Object?*/obj, /*String|Function?*/functionName){
// summary: registers a function to be triggered when the page unloads
// usage:
//	dojo.addOnLoad(functionPointer)
//	dojo.addOnLoad(object, "functionName")
	var dh = dojo.hostenv;
	if(arguments.length == 1){
	} else if(arguments.length > 1) {
		dh.unloadListeners.push(function() {

dojo.hostenv.modulesLoaded = function(){
	if(this.post_load_){ return; }
	if(this.loadUriStack.length==0 && this.getTextStack.length==0){
		if(this.inFlightCount > 0){ 
			dojo.debug("files still in flight!");

dojo.hostenv.callLoaded = function(){
	if(typeof setTimeout == "object"){
		setTimeout("dojo.hostenv.loaded();", 0);

dojo.hostenv.getModuleSymbols = function(/*String*/modulename){
// summary:
//	Converts a module name in dotted JS notation to an array representing the path in the source tree
	var syms = modulename.split(".");
	for(var i = syms.length; i>0; i--){
		var parentModule = syms.slice(0, i).join(".");
		if((i==1) && !this.moduleHasPrefix(parentModule)){		
			// Support default module directory (sibling of dojo) for top-level modules 
			syms[0] = "../" + syms[0];
			var parentModulePath = this.getModulePrefix(parentModule);
			if(parentModulePath != parentModule){
				syms.splice(0, i, parentModulePath);
	return syms; // Array

dojo.hostenv._global_omit_module_check = false;
dojo.hostenv.loadModule = function(/*String*/moduleName, /*Boolean?*/exactOnly, /*Boolean?*/omitModuleCheck){
// summary:
//	loads a Javascript module from the appropriate URI
// description:
//	loadModule("A.B") first checks to see if symbol A.B is defined. 
//	If it is, it is simply returned (nothing to do).
//	If it is not defined, it will look for "A/B.js" in the script root directory,
//	followed by "A.js".
//	It throws if it cannot find a file to load, or if the symbol A.B is not
//	defined after loading.
//	It returns the object A.B.
//	This does nothing about importing symbols into the current package.
//	It is presumed that the caller will take care of that. For example, to import
//	all symbols:
//	   with (dojo.hostenv.loadModule("A.B")) {
//	      ...
//	   }
//	And to import just the leaf symbol:
//	   var B = dojo.hostenv.loadModule("A.B");
//	   ...
//	dj_load is an alias for dojo.hostenv.loadModule

	if(!moduleName){ return; }
	omitModuleCheck = this._global_omit_module_check || omitModuleCheck;
	var module = this.findModule(moduleName, false);
		return module;

	// protect against infinite recursion from mutual dependencies
	if(dj_undef(moduleName, this.loading_modules_)){
	this.loading_modules_[moduleName] = 1;

	// convert periods to slashes
	var relpath = moduleName.replace(/\./g, '/index.html') + '/doc/j/jc/jcap/Dojo/common/041/lib/src/.js';

	var nsyms = moduleName.split(".");
	// this line allowed loading of a module manifest as if it were a namespace
	// it's an interesting idea, but shouldn't be combined with 'namespaces' proper
	// and leads to unwanted dependencies
	// the effect can be achieved in other (albeit less-flexible) ways now, so I am
	// removing this pending further design work
	// perhaps we can explicitly define this idea of a 'module manifest', and subclass
	// 'namespace manifest' from that

	var syms = this.getModuleSymbols(moduleName);
	var startedRelative = ((syms[0].charAt(0) != '/index.html') && !syms[0].match(/^\w+:/));
	var last = syms[syms.length - 1];
	var ok;
	// figure out if we're looking for a full package, if so, we want to do
	// things slightly diffrently
		moduleName = nsyms.slice(0, -1).join('.');
			relpath = syms.join("/") + '/doc/j/jc/jcap/Dojo/common/041/lib/src/.js';
			if(startedRelative && relpath.charAt(0)=="/"){
				relpath = relpath.slice(1);
			ok = this.loadPath(relpath, !omitModuleCheck ? moduleName : null);
			if(ok){ break; }
		relpath = syms.join("/") + '/doc/j/jc/jcap/Dojo/common/041/lib/src/.js';
		moduleName = nsyms.join('.');
		var modArg = !omitModuleCheck ? moduleName : null;
		ok = this.loadPath(relpath, modArg);
		if(!ok && !exactOnly){
				relpath = syms.join('/index.html') + '/doc/j/jc/jcap/Dojo/common/041/lib/src/.js';
				ok = this.loadPath(relpath, modArg);
				if(ok){ break; }
				relpath = syms.join('/index.html') + '/index.html'+this.pkgFileName+'/doc/j/jc/jcap/Dojo/common/041/lib/src/.js';
				if(startedRelative && relpath.charAt(0)=="/"){
					relpath = relpath.slice(1);
				ok = this.loadPath(relpath, modArg);
				if(ok){ break; }

		if(!ok && !omitModuleCheck){
			dojo.raise("Could not load '" + moduleName + "'; last tried '" + relpath + "'");

	// check that the symbol was defined
	//Don't bother if we're doing xdomain (asynchronous) loading.
	if(!omitModuleCheck && !this["isXDomain"]){
		// pass in false so we can give better error
		module = this.findModule(moduleName, false);
			dojo.raise("symbol '" + moduleName + "' is not defined after loading '" + relpath + "'"); 

	return module;

dojo.hostenv.startPackage = function(/*String*/packageName){
// summary:
//	Creates a JavaScript package
// description:
//	startPackage("A.B") follows the path, and at each level creates a new empty
//	object or uses what already exists. It returns the result.
// packageName: the package to be created as a String in dot notation

	//Make sure we have a string.
	var fullPkgName = String(packageName);
	var strippedPkgName = fullPkgName;

	var syms = packageName.split(/\./);
		strippedPkgName = syms.join(".");
	var evaledPkg = dojo.evalObjPath(strippedPkgName, true);
	this.loaded_modules_[fullPkgName] = evaledPkg;
	this.loaded_modules_[strippedPkgName] = evaledPkg;
	return evaledPkg; // Object

dojo.hostenv.findModule = function(/*String*/moduleName, /*Boolean?*/mustExist){
// summary:
//	Returns the Object representing the module, if it exists, otherwise null.
// moduleName A fully qualified module including package name, like 'A.B'.
// mustExist Optional, default false. throw instead of returning null
//	if the module does not currently exist.

	var lmn = String(moduleName);

		return this.loaded_modules_[lmn]; // Object

		dojo.raise("no loaded module named '" + moduleName + "'");
	return null; // null

//Start of old bootstrap2:

dojo.kwCompoundRequire = function(/*Object containing Arrays*/modMap){
// description:
//	This method taks a "map" of arrays which one can use to optionally load dojo
//	modules. The map is indexed by the possible dojo.hostenv.name_ values, with
//	two additional values: "default" and "common". The items in the "default"
//	array will be loaded if none of the other items have been choosen based on
//	the hostenv.name_ item. The items in the "common" array will _always_ be
//	loaded, regardless of which list is chosen.  Here's how it's normally
//	called:
//	dojo.kwCompoundRequire({
//		browser: [
//			["", true, true], // an example that passes multiple args to loadModule()
//			"foo.sample.*",
//			"foo.test,
//		],
//		default: [ "foo.sample.*" ],
//		common: [ "really.important.module.*" ]
//	});

	var common = modMap["common"]||[];
	var result = modMap[dojo.hostenv.name_] ? common.concat(modMap[dojo.hostenv.name_]||[]) : common.concat(modMap["default"]||[]);

	for(var x=0; x<result.length; x++){
		var curr = result[x];
		if(curr.constructor == Array){
			dojo.hostenv.loadModule.apply(dojo.hostenv, curr);

dojo.require = function(/*String*/ resourceName){
	// summary
	//	Ensure that the given resource (ie, javascript
	//	source file) has been loaded.
	// description
	//	dojo.require() is similar to C's #include command or java's "import" command.
	//	You call dojo.require() to pull in the resources (ie, javascript source files)
	//	that define the functions you are using. 
	//	Note that in the case of a build, many resources have already been included
	//	into dojo.js (ie, many of the javascript source files have been compressed and
	//	concatened into dojo.js), so many dojo.require() calls will simply return
	//	without downloading anything.
	dojo.hostenv.loadModule.apply(dojo.hostenv, arguments);

dojo.requireIf = function(/*Boolean*/ condition, /*String*/ resourceName){
	// summary
	//	If the condition is true then call dojo.require() for the specified resource
	var arg0 = arguments[0];
	if((arg0 === true)||(arg0=="common")||(arg0 && dojo.render[arg0].capable)){
		var args = [];
		for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { args.push(arguments[i]); }
		dojo.require.apply(dojo, args);

dojo.requireAfterIf = dojo.requireIf;

dojo.provide = function(/*String*/ resourceName){
	// summary
	//	Each javascript source file must have (exactly) one dojo.provide()
	//	call at the top of the file, corresponding to the file name.
	//	For example, dojo/src/foo.js must have dojo.provide(""); at the top of the file.
	// description
	//	Each javascript source file is called a resource.  When a resource
	//	is loaded by the browser, dojo.provide() registers that it has
	//	been loaded.
	//	For backwards compatibility reasons, in addition to registering the resource,
	//	dojo.provide() also ensures that the javascript object for the module exists.  For
	//	example, dojo.provide("dojo.html.common"), in addition to registering that common.js
	//	is a resource for the dojo.html module, will ensure that the dojo.html javascript object
	//	exists, so that calls like = function(){ ... } don't fail.
	//	In the case of a build (or in the future, a rollup), where multiple javascript source
	//	files are combined into one bigger file (similar to a .lib or .jar file), that file
	//	will contain multiple dojo.provide() calls, to note that it includes
	//	multiple resources.
	return dojo.hostenv.startPackage.apply(dojo.hostenv, arguments);

dojo.registerModulePath = function(/*String*/module, /*String*/prefix){
	// summary: maps a module name to a path
	// description: An unregistered module is given the default path of ../<module>,
	//	relative to Dojo root. For example, module acme is mapped to ../acme.
	//	If you want to use a different module name, use dojo.registerModulePath. 
	return dojo.hostenv.setModulePrefix(module, prefix);

dojo.setModulePrefix = function(/*String*/module, /*String*/prefix){
	// summary: maps a module name to a path
	dojo.deprecated('dojo.setModulePrefix("' + module + '", "' + prefix + '")', "replaced by dojo.registerModulePath", "0.5");
	return dojo.registerModulePath(module, prefix);

dojo.exists = function(/*Object*/obj, /*String*/name){
	// summary: determine if an object supports a given method
	// description: useful for longer api chains where you have to test each object in the chain
	var p = name.split(".");
	for(var i = 0; i < p.length; i++){
		if(!obj[p[i]]){ return false; } // Boolean
		obj = obj[p[i]];
	return true; // Boolean

// Localization routines

dojo.hostenv.normalizeLocale = function(/*String?*/locale){
//	summary:
//		Returns canonical form of locale, as used by Dojo.  All variants are case-insensitive and are separated by '-'
//		as specified in RFC 3066. If no locale is specified, the user agent's default is returned.

	var result = locale ? locale.toLowerCase() : dojo.locale;
	if(result == "root"){
		result = "ROOT";
	return result;// String

dojo.hostenv.searchLocalePath = function(/*String*/locale, /*Boolean*/down, /*Function*/searchFunc){
//	summary:
//		A helper method to assist in searching for locale-based resources.  Will iterate through
//		the variants of a particular locale, either up or down, executing a callback function.
//		For example, "en-us" and true will try "en-us" followed by "en" and finally "ROOT".

	locale = dojo.hostenv.normalizeLocale(locale);

	var elements = locale.split('-');
	var searchlist = [];
	for(var i = elements.length; i > 0; i--){
		searchlist.push(elements.slice(0, i).join('-'));

	for(var j = searchlist.length - 1; j >= 0; j--){
		var loc = searchlist[j] || "ROOT";
		var stop = searchFunc(loc);
		if(stop){ break; }

//These two functions are placed outside of preloadLocalizations
//So that the xd loading can use/override them.
dojo.hostenv.localesGenerated /***BUILD:localesGenerated***/; // value will be inserted here at build time, if necessary

dojo.hostenv.registerNlsPrefix = function(){
// summary:
//	Register module "nls" to point where Dojo can find pre-built localization files

dojo.hostenv.preloadLocalizations = function(){
// summary:
//	Load built, flattened resource bundles, if available for all locales used in the page.
//	Execute only once.  Note that this is a no-op unless there is a build.


		function preload(locale){
			locale = dojo.hostenv.normalizeLocale(locale);
			dojo.hostenv.searchLocalePath(locale, true, function(loc){
				for(var i=0; i<dojo.hostenv.localesGenerated.length;i++){
					if(dojo.hostenv.localesGenerated[i] == loc){
						return true; // Boolean
				return false; // Boolean
		var extra = djConfig.extraLocale||[];
		for(var i=0; i<extra.length; i++){
	dojo.hostenv.preloadLocalizations = function(){};

dojo.requireLocalization = function(/*String*/moduleName, /*String*/bundleName, /*String?*/locale, /*String?*/availableFlatLocales){
// summary:
//	Declares translated resources and loads them if necessary, in the same style as dojo.require.
//	Contents of the resource bundle are typically strings, but may be any name/value pair,
//	represented in JSON format.  See also dojo.i18n.getLocalization.
// moduleName: name of the package containing the "nls" directory in which the bundle is found
// bundleName: bundle name, i.e. the filename without the '/doc/j/jc/jcap/Dojo/common/041/lib/src/.js' suffix
// locale: the locale to load (optional)  By default, the browser's user locale as defined by dojo.locale
// availableFlatLocales: A comma-separated list of the available, flattened locales for this bundle.
// This argument should only be set by the build process.
// description:
//	Load translated resource bundles provided underneath the "nls" directory within a package.
//	Translated resources may be located in different packages throughout the source tree.  For example,
//	a particular widget may define one or more resource bundles, structured in a program as follows,
//	where moduleName is mycode.mywidget and bundleNames available include bundleone and bundletwo:
//	...
//	mycode/
//	 mywidget/
//	  nls/
//	   bundleone.js (the fallback translation, English in this example)
//	   bundletwo.js (also a fallback translation)
//	   de/
//	    bundleone.js
//	    bundletwo.js
//	   de-at/
//	    bundleone.js
//	   en/
//	    (empty; use the fallback translation)
//	   en-us/
//	    bundleone.js
//	   en-gb/
//	    bundleone.js
//	   es/
//	    bundleone.js
//	    bundletwo.js
//	  ...etc
//	...
//	Each directory is named for a locale as specified by RFC 3066, (,
//	normalized in lowercase.  Note that the two bundles in the example do not define all the same variants.
//	For a given locale, bundles will be loaded for that locale and all more general locales above it, including
//	a fallback at the root directory.  For example, a declaration for the "de-at" locale will first
//	load nls/de-at/bundleone.js, then nls/de/bundleone.js and finally nls/bundleone.js.  The data will
//	be flattened into a single Object so that lookups will follow this cascading pattern.  An optional build
//	step can preload the bundles to avoid data redundancy and the multiple network hits normally required to
//	load these resources.

	var targetLocale = dojo.hostenv.normalizeLocale(locale);
 	var bundlePackage = [moduleName, "nls", bundleName].join(".");
//NOTE: When loading these resources, the packaging does not match what is on disk.  This is an
// implementation detail, as this is just a private data structure to hold the loaded resources.
// e.g. tests/hello/nls/en-us/salutations.js is loaded as the object tests.hello.nls.salutations.en_us={...}
// The structure on disk is intended to be most convenient for developers and translators, but in memory
// it is more logical and efficient to store in a different order.  Locales cannot use dashes, since the
// resulting path will not evaluate as valid JS, so we translate them to underscores.
	//Find the best-match locale to load if we have available flat locales.
	var bestLocale = "";
		var flatLocales = availableFlatLocales.split(",");
		for(var i = 0; i < flatLocales.length; i++){
			//Locale must match from start of string.
			if(targetLocale.indexOf(flatLocales[i]) == 0){
				if(flatLocales[i].length > bestLocale.length){
					bestLocale = flatLocales[i];
			bestLocale = "ROOT";

	//See if the desired locale is already loaded.
	var tempLocale = availableFlatLocales ? bestLocale : targetLocale;
	var bundle = dojo.hostenv.findModule(bundlePackage);
	var localizedBundle = null;
		if(djConfig.localizationComplete && bundle._built){return;}
		var jsLoc = tempLocale.replace('-', '_');
		var translationPackage = bundlePackage+"."+jsLoc;
		localizedBundle = dojo.hostenv.findModule(translationPackage);

		bundle = dojo.hostenv.startPackage(bundlePackage);
		var syms = dojo.hostenv.getModuleSymbols(moduleName);
		var modpath = syms.concat("nls").join("/");
		var parent;

		dojo.hostenv.searchLocalePath(tempLocale, availableFlatLocales, function(loc){
			var jsLoc = loc.replace('-', '_');
			var translationPackage = bundlePackage + "." + jsLoc;
			var loaded = false;
				// Mark loaded whether it's found or not, so that further load attempts will not be made
				var module = [modpath];
				if(loc != "ROOT"){module.push(loc);}
				var filespec = module.join("/") + '/doc/j/jc/jcap/Dojo/common/041/lib/src/.js';
				loaded = dojo.hostenv.loadPath(filespec, null, function(hash){
					// Use singleton with prototype to point to parent bundle, then mix-in result from loadPath
					var clazz = function(){};
					clazz.prototype = parent;
					bundle[jsLoc] = new clazz();
					for(var j in hash){ bundle[jsLoc][j] = hash[j]; }
				loaded = true;
			if(loaded && bundle[jsLoc]){
				parent = bundle[jsLoc];
				bundle[jsLoc] = parent;
				//Stop the locale path searching if we know the availableFlatLocales, since
				//the first call to this function will load the only bundle that is needed.
				return true;

	//Save the best locale bundle as the target locale bundle when we know the
	//the available bundles.
	if(availableFlatLocales && targetLocale != bestLocale){
		bundle[targetLocale.replace('-', '_')] = bundle[bestLocale.replace('-', '_')];

	// If other locales are used, dojo.requireLocalization should load them as well, by default.
	// Override dojo.requireLocalization to do load the default bundle, then iterate through the
	// extraLocale list and load those translations as well, unless a particular locale was requested.

	var extra = djConfig.extraLocale;
		if(!extra instanceof Array){
			extra = [extra];

		var req = dojo.requireLocalization;
		dojo.requireLocalization = function(m, b, locale, availableFlatLocales){
			req(m,b,locale, availableFlatLocales);
			for(var i=0; i<extra.length; i++){
				req(m,b,extra[i], availableFlatLocales);