Stevan Little - HTML.Form.Validator-0.01

Documentation | Source


HTML.Form.Validator.Library - A library of HTML.Form.Validator.Element classes


This is a set of highly reusable HTML.Form.Validator.Element and HTML.Form.Validator.CompoundElement subclasses. The documentation on these subclasses is currently somewhat lacking, so please read the source for more info, they are very simple classes, and should be easy to follow.


PasswordConfirmationValidator CompoundFormElementValidator

This takes 2 TextFieldValidator elements and compares their values to make sure they match. This is for the standard double entry password confirmation.

RadioButtonGroupValidator FormElementValidator

This takes a Radio Group and assures that at least one radio button has been chosen.

CheckBoxValidator FormElementValidator

This confirms that a given checkbox has been checked.

SelectBoxValidator FormElementValidator

This makes sure the element chosen has a valid value (not 0 or "").

TextFieldValidator FormElementValidator

This makes sure the text field element has a valid value (not 0 or "")

BoundedLengthTextFieldValidator TextFieldValidator

This assures that the length of the Text field in question fits within a min and max value specified in the constructor arguments

EmailFieldValidator TextFieldValidator

This assures that the value within the text field is likely an email address. It tests first for the presence of the "@" character, then for at least 1 "." after that. This is a very very simple test, but it will work for many cases.

NumericFieldValidator TextFieldValidator

This assures that the all of the characters in the text field are numeric.

NonNumericFieldValidator NumericFieldValidator

This assures that there are no numbers in the text field.

BoundedLengthNumericFieldValidator NumericFieldValidator

This assures that the numeric text field has between a min and max amount of numbers in it.

BoundedNumericFieldValidator NumericFieldValidator

This assures that the numeric text field value is between a min and max amount.

DateFieldValidator NumericFieldValidator

This parses and checks dates in the following format mm/dd/yyyy. It will also check to see that the given date is a reasonably valid date.


stevan little, <>


Copyright 2005 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl.

// Password Confirmation Validator

function PasswordConfirmationValidator (error, elements) {
	this.elements = elements || [];
	this.error = error;

PasswordConfirmationValidator.prototype.test = function(formObject){
	var new_password = this.elements[0].getValue(formObject);
	var new_password_confirm = this.elements[1].getValue(formObject);
	if (new_password == new_password_confirm) {
		return true;
	else {
		return false;

PasswordConfirmationValidator.prototype = new HTML.Form.Validator.CompoundElement();

// Radio Button Group Validator

function RadioButtonGroupValidator (name, error) { = name;
	this.error = error;

RadioButtonGroupValidator.prototype.getValue = function (formObject) {
	var radioGroup = formObject.elements[];
	for (radioGroupLoop = 0; radioGroupLoop < radioGroup.length; radioGroupLoop++){
		if (radioGroup[radioGroupLoop].checked){
			return true;
	return false;

RadioButtonGroupValidator.prototype.focusElement = function (formObject) {

RadioButtonGroupValidator.prototype = new HTML.Form.Validator.Element();

// Check Box Validator

function CheckBoxValidator(name, error){ = name;
	this.error = error;

CheckBoxValidator.prototype.getValue = function(formObject){
	return formObject.elements[].checked;

CheckBoxValidator.prototype = new HTML.Form.Validator.Element();

// Select Box Validator

function SelectBoxValidator(name, error){ = name;
	this.error = error;

SelectBoxValidator.prototype.getValue = function(formObject){
	var selectBox = formObject.elements[];
	return selectBox.options[selectBox.selectedIndex].value;

SelectBoxValidator.prototype = new HTML.Form.Validator.Element();

// Text Field Validator

function TextFieldValidator(name, error){ = name;
	this.error = error;

TextFieldValidator.prototype = new HTML.Form.Validator.Element();

// Bounded Length Text Field Validator

function BoundedLengthTextFieldValidator(name, minimumLength, maximumLength, error){ = name;
	this.minimumLength = minimumLength;
	this.maximumLength = maximumLength;
	this.error = error;

BoundedLengthTextFieldValidator.prototype.test = function(formObject){
	fieldValueLength = this.getValue(formObject).length;
	return (fieldValueLength >= this.minimumLength && fieldValueLength <= this.maximumLength);

BoundedLengthTextFieldValidator.prototype = new TextFieldValidator();

// Email field Validator

function EmailFieldValidator(name, error){ = name;
	this.error = error;

EmailFieldValidator.prototype.test = function(formObject){
	var fieldValue = this.getValue(formObject);
	var atSymbolPos = fieldValue.indexOf('@');
	return (atSymbolPos != -1 && fieldValue.lastIndexOf('.') > atSymbolPos);

EmailFieldValidator.prototype = new TextFieldValidator()

// Numeric field Validator

function NumericFieldValidator(name, error){ = name;
	this.error = error;

// -----------------------------------------
// checkNumericString Method
// -----------------------------------------
// this method checks that the string in
// questions is truely a wholly numeric 
// string. This method is neccesary because
// the built in javascript parseInt() function
// with will parse out an integer as long
// the first digit is a number.
// example:
// parseInt("2a") will return 2 instead of NaN
// -----------------------------------------
// NOTE: 
// this method does NOT perform any type 
// conversion on the string passed to it.
// You must convert the string explicitly.
// -----------------------------------------
NumericFieldValidator.prototype.checkNumericString = function(stringToTest){
	// a numeric string cannot be empty
	if (stringToTest == ''){
		return false;
	for (numCheckLoop = 0; numCheckLoop < stringToTest.length; numCheckLoop++){
		if (isNaN(parseInt(stringToTest.charAt(numCheckLoop)))){
			return false;
	return true;

this.test = function(formObject){
	return this.checkNumericString(this.getValue(formObject));

NumericFieldValidator.prototype = new TextFieldValidator();

// Non Numeric field Validator

function NonNumericFieldValidator(name, error){ = name;
	this.error = error;

NonNumericFieldValidator.prototype.test = function(formObject){
	return !this.checkNumericString(this.getValue(formObject));

NonNumericFieldValidator.prototype = new NumericFieldValidator();

// Bounded Length Numeric field Validator

function BoundedLengthNumericFieldValidator(name, minimumLength, maximumLength, error){ = name;
	this.minimumLength = minimumLength;
	this.maximumLength = maximumLength;
	this.error = error;

BoundedLengthNumericFieldValidator.prototype.test = function(formObject){
	fieldValue = this.getValue(formObject);
	if (!this.checkNumericString(fieldValue)){
		return false;
	fieldValueLength = fieldValue.length;
	return (fieldValueLength >= this.minimumLength && fieldValueLength <= this.maximumLength);

BoundedLengthNumericFieldValidator.prototype = new NumericFieldValidator();

// Bounded Numeric field Validator

function BoundedNumericFieldValidator(name, minimum, maximum, error){ = name;
	this.minimum = minimum;
	this.maximum = maximum;
	this.error = error;

BoundedNumericFieldValidator.prototype.test = function(formObject){
	fieldValue = this.getValue(formObject);
	if (!this.checkNumericString(fieldValue)){
		return false;
	fieldValue = parseInt(fieldValue);
	return (fieldValue >= this.minimum && fieldValue <= this.maximum);

BoundedNumericFieldValidator.prototype = new NumericFieldValidator();

// Date field Validator
// checks the following format :
//      mm/dd/yyyyy
// and verifies that the date is valid by
// using the built in Javascript Date Object.

function DateFieldValidator(name, error){ = name
	this.error = error;

	// private fields used for internal date reprentation.;

DateFieldValidator.prototype.parseDateString = function(fieldValue){
	// find string indeces of delimeters
	var delimeter_1 = fieldValue.indexOf('/index.html');
	var delimeter_2 = fieldValue.lastIndexOf('/index.html');
	// verify that both delimters exist
	if (delimeter_1 == -1 || delimeter_2 == -1){
		// otherwise parsing failed...
		return false;
	// extract date strings
	this.month = fieldValue.substring(0, delimeter_1); = fieldValue.substring((delimeter_1 + 1), delimeter_2);
	this.year = fieldValue.substring((delimeter_2 + 1));
	// check to make sure we have a 4-digit year
	// (and that the first digit is not a zero otherwise javascript chokes on it)
	if (this.year.length != 4 || this.year.charAt(0) == '0'){
		// otherwise parsing failed...
		return false;
	// verify that the date strings are
	// completely numeric (see method documentation)
	if (!this.checkNumericString(this.month) || !this.checkNumericString(this.year) || !this.checkNumericString({
		// otherwise parsing failed...
		return false;
	// date parsed successfully.
	return true;

DateFieldValidator.prototype.checkDate = function(){
	// convert string values to integers = parseInt(;
	this.month = parseInt(this.month);
	this.year = parseInt(this.year);
	// decrement month for 0 indexed month array
	// load date into Javascript Date Object
	var tempDate = new Date();
	// checks to see if the date is valid
	// by checking the original values against 
	// the values returned by the Javascript Date
	// Object. This is utilizes the fact that the 
	// Date object will perform a date "rollover" 
	// if the value is "out of range".
	// example:
	// 2/31/2001   (original - representing Feb. 31, 2001 and invalid date)
	// the Javascript Date Object will convert it to...
	// March 3, 2001 
	// the same thing will happen with a year value
	// 13/2/2001 will come be converted to 1/2/2002
	if (tempDate.getDate() != || tempDate.getMonth() != this.month || tempDate.getFullYear() != this.year){
		// otherwise the date is invalid...
		return false;
	// the date is valid.
	return true;

DateFieldValidator.prototype.test = function(formObject){
	fieldValue = this.getValue(formObject);
	// parse the date and test that
	// the date parsed successfully
	if (!this.parseDateString(fieldValue)){
		// otherwise the date is invalid...
		return false;
	return this.checkDate();

DateFieldValidator.prototype = new NumericFieldValidator();




=head1 NAME

HTML.Form.Validator.Library - A library of HTML.Form.Validator.Element classes


This is a set of highly reusable C<HTML.Form.Validator.Element> and C<HTML.Form.Validator.CompoundElement> 
subclasses. The documentation on these subclasses is currently somewhat lacking, so please read the 
source for more info, they are very simple classes, and should be easy to follow.


=over 4

=item PasswordConfirmationValidator I<CompoundFormElementValidator> 

This takes 2 TextFieldValidator elements and compares their values to make 
sure they match. This is for the standard double entry password confirmation.

=item RadioButtonGroupValidator I<FormElementValidator>

This takes a Radio Group and assures that at least one radio button has been chosen.

=item CheckBoxValidator I<FormElementValidator>

This confirms that a given checkbox has been checked.

=item SelectBoxValidator I<FormElementValidator>

This makes sure the element chosen has a valid value (not 0 or "").

=item TextFieldValidator I<FormElementValidator>

This makes sure the text field element has a valid value (not 0 or "")

=item BoundedLengthTextFieldValidator I<TextFieldValidator>

This assures that the length of the Text field in question fits within a min 
and max value specified in the constructor arguments

=item EmailFieldValidator I<TextFieldValidator>

This assures that the value within the text field is likely an email address. 
It tests first for the presence of the "@" character, then for at least 1 "." 
after that. This is a very very simple test, but it will work for many cases.

=item NumericFieldValidator I<TextFieldValidator>

This assures that the all of the characters in the text field are numeric.

=item NonNumericFieldValidator I<NumericFieldValidator>

This assures that there are no numbers in the text field.

=item BoundedLengthNumericFieldValidator I<NumericFieldValidator>

This assures that the numeric text field has between a min and max amount 
of numbers in it.

=item BoundedNumericFieldValidator I<NumericFieldValidator>

This assures that the numeric text field value is between a min and 
max amount.

=item DateFieldValidator I<NumericFieldValidator>

This parses and checks dates in the following format mm/dd/yyyy. It 
will also check to see that the given date is a reasonably valid date.


=head1 AUTHOR

stevan little, E<lt>stevan@iinteractive.comE<gt>


Copyright 2005 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl. 

