David Wheeler - HTTP.Query-0.03

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HTTP.Query - Easy GET query string management



  var query = new HTTP.Query(location.search);

  query.set('from', 'me@example.com');
  query.add('to', 'you@example.com');
  query.add('to', 'him@example.com');

  location.search = query.toString();


This class parses a GET query string, pulling out its argument keys and values and unescaping their encodings, and arranges them into an object. If a given query key is specified multiple times, then all of its values will be stored in an array for that key.


  var query = new HTTP.Query;
  var query = new HTTP.Query(queryString);

Returns a new HTTP.Query object that has parsed the queryString passed as the single argument. If no query argument is passed and HTTP.Query is running in a Web browser, window.document.location.search will be used, instead. To initialize an empty HTTP.Query object, pass a null or empty string to the constructor.


  var value = query.get(key);

Gets the value stored for a given key in the table. If the key has multiple values, they will all be returned in an array object.


  query.set(key, value);

Sets the value for a key. Any previous value or values for that key will be discarded.



Takes a single key argument and deletes that key from the query object, so that none of its values will be in the object any longer.



Clears the query object of all values.


  query.add(key, value);

Adds a new value to the query object. This method is the best interface for adding mutiple values for a single key. Once a key has multiple values, those values will be returned from a call to get() as an array.


  query.act(function (key, value) {
      document.write(key + ' => ' + value);
      return true;

Pass a function to this method to have it iterate over all of the key/value pairs in the query object. Keys with multiple values will trigger the execution of the function multiple times: once for each value. The function should expect two arguments: a key and a value. Iteration terminates when the code reference returns false, so be sure to have it return a true value if you want it to iterate over every value in the query object.


  location.search = query.toString('&');

Overrides the default toString() method inherited from Object to return a properly-formatted and encoded GET query string. By default, it uses ";" as the query argument delimiter. Pass in "&" as the single argument to toString() for it to be used as the argument delimiter. Of course, when the HTTP.Query object itself is used in a string context, thus implicitly calling toString() ";" will be the delimiter; call toString("&") explicitly to use "&" as the delimiter.


David Wheeler <david@kineticode.com>

Copyright and License

Copyright 2005 by David Wheeler.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Perl Artistic License or the GNU GPL.

See http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html and http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.

// # $Id: Kinetic.pm 1493 2005-04-07 19:20:18Z theory $

// Set up namespace.
if (typeof HTTP == 'undefined') HTTP = {};
HTTP.Query = function (qry) {
    this.query = [];
    // Do nothing with empty query strings.
    // Use the current browser document location search if there is no query.
    if (!arguments.length && typeof window != 'undefined')
        qry = window.document.location.search;
    if (qry == null || qry == '') return;
    var pairs = qry.substring(1).split(/[;&]/);
    for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
        var parts = pairs[i].split('=');
        if (parts[0] == null) continue;
        var key = unescape(parts[0]), val = unescape(parts[1]);
        if (this.query[key] == null) {
            this.query[key] = unescape(val);
        } else {
            if (typeof this.query[key] == 'string') {
                this.query[key] = [this.query[key], unescape(val)];
            } else this.query[key].push(unescape(val));

HTTP.Query.VERSION = '0.03';

HTTP.Query.prototype = {
    get:   function (key)      { return this.query[key] },
    set:   function (key, val) { this.query[key] = val },
    unset: function (key)      { delete this.query[key] },
    clear: function ()         { this.query = [] },

    add:   function (key, val) {
        if (this.query[key] != null) {
            if (typeof this.query[key] != 'string') this.query[key].push(val);
            else this.query[key] = [this.query[key], val];
        } else {
            this.query[key] = val;
    act:    function (fn) {
        for (var k in this.query) {
            if (typeof this.query[k] == 'string') {
                if (!fn(k, this.query[k])) return;
            } else {
                // XXX What if someone has changed Array.prototype or
                // Object.prototype??
                for (var i in this.query[k])
                    if (!fn(k, this.query[k][i])) return;
    toString: function (sep) {
        var ret = '';
        if (sep == null) sep = ';';
        this.act(function (k, v) {
             ret += sep + escape(k) + '=' + escape(v);
             return true;
        return ret.replace(/^[;&]/, '?');