NAME Widget.Textarea.Resizable - Provide resizable textareas SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION This library provides a more interactive textarea widget, which resize on the fly as user's typing. The only usage is as in synopsis, just call the constructor with one proper parameter hash. Valid configuration keys and values are described below. CONFIGUARTIONS The constructor takes only one hash variable. Valid keys and its description enlisted below: elementId Necessary. In your HTML, there must be an existing textarea with an ID. The element ID must be given here, otherwise this library simply just can't work. inScreen Optional, default to false. This option allows you to prevent the editing textarea from growing bigger then screen. Once set to true, a scroll bar will show up when it's about to grow bigger then screen. resizeStep Optional, default to 100. This option decides the resize step upon each grow or shrink. Setting larger value could help preventing from resizing too often. AUTHOR Kang-min Liu . COPYRIGHT Copyright 2006 by Kang-min Liu . This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See