# XML.ObjTree Changes 0.24 2006/08/14 * spread local XML files support by parseHTTP(). (thanks to Iair Salem) * bug fix: writeXML() with an object which includes boolean type. (thanks to syunduel and James Revillini) 0.23 2006/05/14 * support Safari for Intel Mac, DOMParser's async property is read-only. See http://www.kawa.net/works/ajax/tips/crash-safari/intelmac-e.html 0.22 2006/04/30 * new parameter: attr_prefix 0.21 2006/04/05 (XML.ObjTree) * packaged for JSAN * methods: parseXML parseDOM parseHTTP writeXML 0.19 2006/02/03 * latest release of jkl-parsexml.js 0.01 2005/05/18 * first release of jkl-parsexml.js http://www.kawa.net/works/js/jkl/parsexml-e.html # http://www.kawa.net/works/js/xml/objtree-e.html (English) # http://www.kawa.net/works/js/xml/objtree.html#history (Japanese)