Release history for Joose: 3.013 2010-10-11 15:57 [ENHANCEMENTS] -none- [API CHANGES] - returned 'get/setRawValue' methods of the attribute with a bit different semantic (low-level, not documented) [BUG FIXES] - none 3.012 2010-10-05 11:33 [ENHANCEMENTS] - added 'hasValue/clearValue' methods for the attribute - removed 'get/setRawValue' methods of the attribute - minor fixes in package.json for `npm` [API CHANGES] -none- [BUG FIXES] -none- 3.011 2010-08-27 21:11 [ENHANCEMENTS] - references to global RegExp object replaced with references to constructor of regexp instance, to allow the advanced optimizations with Google Closure optimizer (thanks to: sirrobert) - now its possible to inherit from non-Joose superclasses (see for details) - starting from this release, Joose will be also distributed via the `npm` package manager, > [sudo] npm install joose - updated Joose.Manual.Installation entry [API CHANGES] -none- [BUG FIXES] - fixed bug, when calling `Module` over previously declared class didn't trigger a call to `body` 3.010 2010-07-05 19:01 [ENHANCEMENTS] - platform detection made exception-less - test suite is now passing on the NodeJS platform (has been adapted to recent changes Test.Run) [API CHANGES] -none- [BUG FIXES] - fixed bug, when aliases for static methods could be messed up during class mutation 3.009 2010-06-22 19:21 [ENHANCEMENTS] - switched to Dist::Zilla for distribution management - some speed up of the core PropertySet iterators - if any value gets returned from `initialize` method, it gets returned as the result of the constructor, otherwise the instance itself is returned - added 'beforeConsumedBy' hook, allowing the property sets to act somehow before being consumed [API CHANGES] -none- [BUG FIXES] -none- 3.008 Thu, May 13, 2010 [ENHANCEMENTS] - added ability to prefix the namespace declaration with '.' which will switch the current namespace to global - added ability to specify VERSION and AUTHORITY builders (AUTHORITY is reserved for future use with Jx.N.D) - added NodeJS detection - exporting created constructors to global NodeJS scope [API CHANGES] -none- [BUG FIXES] - fixed bug, related to fact, that typeof /a/ == 'function' in WebKit, it was preventing initializing of attributes with regexp 3.007 Wed, Apr 27, 2010 [ENHANCEMENTS] - Class/Role/Module in the global scope aliased as Joose.Class/Joose.Role/Joose.Module - Joose no longer overwrites the Class/Role/Module symbols in global scope (should allow Prototype support) - Static instance ('my') now receives a special 'HOST' configuration parameter during instantiation, containing a hosting class constructor - Static methods are now aliased directly to the host constructor, and can be used without `my` - returning 'false' from Joose.A/O.each iterators stops the iteration and can be propagated further - added `` helper - attributes initialization moved from `initialize` method to constructor (it was somewhat restrictive - only allows `after` modifiers), this allows: 1) the `before` modifier for `initialize` with already initialized attributes 2) better support for inheriting from non-Joose classes (which may not have `initialize` at all) - added ability to specify the arbitrary method (by name) for attributes initialization ("builder" in Moose meaning) [API CHANGES] -none- [BUG FIXES] - fixed bug, when traits weren't applied to the class with already detached meta (when the meta already had traits) - fixed bug, when the metaclass of detached instance had no name 3.006 Mon, Feb 22, 2010 [ENHANCEMENTS] - Added '/src/p/pr/prefiks/Changes/index.html' log - the actual slot, to which the attribute of the class is applied became configurable this will allow to have nicer "private" attributes and combined accessors - some progress on docs (mentioned custom names for accessors and 'isPrivate' option) [API CHANGES] -none- [BUG FIXES] -none-