SYNOPSIS The innerHTML property offered by web browsers' JavaScript engines offer a convenient shortcut to creating dynamic HTML content that is much easier to use than manually building DOM trees. Test.innerHTML follows the same approach in the context of writing JavaScript unit tests: It lets you match substrings or patterns against the innerHTML of a given DOM element.
DESCRIPTION All test functions take a DOM element (object) or element ID (string) as their first argument, a pattern string or pattern regular expression as their second argument, and an optional comment as third argument. inner_html_is inner_html_contains inner_html_like inner_html_isnt inner_html_excludes inner_html_unlike EXPORTS All the above functions are exported by default. AUTHOR Thilo Planz COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2005 Thilo Planz . All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic license.